Thermos Gas Grill The Big Easy Quickset Traditional LP Gas Grill User Manual |
Read this manual before cooking on grill. Failure to follow all
manufacturer's instructions could result in serious personal injury and/
or property damage.
L P Gas Grill
Use And Care
To installer or person assembling grill: Leave this manual
with grill for future reference.
To consumer: Keep this manual for future reference.
For Outdoor Use Only
Combustion by-products produced when using this product contain
chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth
defects, or other reproductive harm.
Installation Safety Precautions
• UsegrillonlywithLP(propane)gasandtheregulator/valveassemblysupplied.
• Grillinstallationmustconformwithlocalcodes,orintheirabsencewithNationalFuel
Gas Code, NFPA 54 / ANSI Z223.1 or CAN/CGA-B149.2 Propane Installation Code.
HandlingandstorageofLPcylindersmustconformtoLPGasCode NFPA/ANSI58. Grill
• Allelectricalaccessories(suchasrotisserie)mustbeelectricallygroundedinaccordance
with local codes, or National Electrical Code, ANSI / NFPA 70 or Canadian Electrical
Code, CSA C22.1. Keep any electrical cords and/or fuel supply hoses away from any
• ThisgrillissafetycertifiedforuseintheUnitedStatesandCanadaonly.Donotmodifyfor
Safety Symbols
• The symbols and boxes shown below explain what each heading means. Read and
follow all of the messages found throughout the manual.
• Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result
in death or serious injury.
• Be alert to the possibility of serious bodily injury if the instructions are not
followed. Be sure to read and carefully follow all of the messages.
• Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result
in minor or moderate injury.
Table of Contents
ForYourSafety .................................................................................................. 2
CallGrillServiceCenterForHelpAndParts ....................................................... 2
WarrantyInformation ........................................................................................... 2
InstallationSafetyPrecautions ............................................................................. 3
SafetySymbols .................................................................................................. 3
TableofContents ............................................................................................... 4
LPTankRemoval,TransportAndStorage.......................................................... 5
LPTank ............................................................................................................. 6
LP(LiquefiedPetroleumGas) ............................................................................. 6
LPTankFilling ................................................................................................... 6
LPTankExchange ............................................................................................. 7
LPTankLeakTest ............................................................................................. 7
ConnectingRegulatorToTheLPTank ............................................................. 7, 8
LeakTestingValves,HosesandRegulator ......................................................... 9
ForSafeUseOfYourGrill ................................................................................. 10
SafetyTips ........................................................................................................ 10
BeforeYourFirstCookout .................................................................................. 11
IgnitorLightingTraditionalandQuickSet ............................................................ 11
MatchLightingTraditionalandQuickSet ............................................................ 11
IgnitorLightingBigEasyandMatchLighting ....................................................... 12
RotisserieBurnerIgnitorandMatchLighting....................................................... 12
SideburnerIgnitorandMatchLighting ................................................................ 13
BurnerFlameCheck ......................................................................................... 13
TurningGrillOff ................................................................................................. 13
IgnitorCheck ..................................................................................................... 13
ValveCheck ...................................................................................................... 13
HoseCheck ...................................................................................................... 13
GeneralGrillCleaning ....................................................................................... 14
Repainting Your Grill ....................................................................................... 14
Care Of Wood .................................................................................................. 14
Natural Hazard Spiders ................................................................................... 15
Cleaning The Traditional Burner Assembly ............................................... 16, 17
Cleaning The Quick Set Burner Assembly.................................................. 18, 19
Cleaning The Big Easy Burner Assembly .................................................... 20, 21
Indirect Cooking .............................................................................................. 22
Grill Smoking................................................................................................... 23
Cleaning The Rotisserie Burner ..................................................................... 24
Rotisserie Burner Use ..................................................................................... 25
Cooking Chart For Rotisserie Burner ............................................................. 25
Cooking Tips ................................................................................................... 25
Cooking Chart .............................................................................................. 26, 27
Food Safety...................................................................................................... 27
How To Tell If Meat Is Grilled Thoroughly ..................................................... 27
Troubleshooting - General .......................................................................... 28, 29
Troubleshooting - Electronic Ignition System ............................................. 30, 31
Storing Your Grill ............................................................................................. 30
Warranty's ........................................................................................................ 32
• The safety relief valve on the LP tank could activate releasing gas and cause
an intense fire with risk of death or serious injury.
• NEVER store a spare LP tank under or near grill or in enclosed areas.
• Never fill the cylinder beyond 80% full. An overfilled spare LP tank is
hazardous due to possible gas released from the safety relief valve.
• If you see, smell or hear escaping gas, immediately get away from the LP
tank/grill and call your fire department.
• All spare LP tanks must have safety caps installed on the LP tank outlet.
LP Tank Removal, Transport And Storage
• TurnOFFallcontrolknobsandLPtankvalve.Turncouplingnutcounterclockwiseby
use cap and strap supplied with valve. Failure to use safety cap as directed may
result in serious personal injury and/or property damage.
LP Tank
• A disconnected LP tank in storage or being transported must have a safety cap installed
(as shown). Do not store an LP tank in enclosed spaces such as a carport, garage,
porch, covered patio or other building. Never leave a LP tank inside a vehicle which may
become overheated by the sun.
• Do not store LP tank in an area where children play.
LP Tank
• The LP tank used with your grill must meet the following requirements:
• PurchaseLPtanksonlywiththeserequiredmeasurements:12"(30.5cm)(diameter)x
18" (45.7 cm) (tall) with 20 lb. (9 kg.) capacity maximum.
• Be constructed and marked in accordance with specifications for LP tank of the
U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) or for Canada, CAN/CSA-B339, cylinders,
• LP tank valve must have:
• Type 1 outlet compatible with regulator or grill.
• Safety relief valve.
• UL listed Overfill Protection Device (OPD). This
OPD safety feature is identified by a unique
triangular hand wheel. Use only tanks
OPD Hand Wheel
equipped with this type of valve.
• LPtankmustbearrangedforvaporwithdrawalandincludecollartoprotectLPtankvalve.
LP (Liquefied Petroleum Gas)
• LP gas is nontoxic, odorless and colorless when produced. For Your Safety, LP gas has
• LPgasishighlyflammableandmayigniteunexpectedlywhenmixedwithair.
LP Tank Filling
• Useonlylicensedandexperienceddealers.
• LPdealermustpurgedtankbeforefilling.
• DealershouldNEVER fillLPtankmorethan80%ofLPtankvolume. Volumeofpropane
• Afrostyregulatorindicatesgasoverfill.ImmediatelycloseLP tankvalveandcalllocalLP
• Donotreleaseliquidpropane(LP)gasintotheatmosphere.Thisisahazardouspractice.
• ToremovegasfromLPtank, contactanLPdealerorcallalocalfiredepartmentfor
LP Tank Exchange
• ManyretailersthatsellgrillsofferyoutheoptionofreplacingyouremptyLPtankthrough
precisionfill, testandcertifytheircylinders. ExchangeyourtankonlyforanOPD
safety feature-equipped tank as described in the "LP Tank" section of this
• AlwayskeepnewandexchangedLPtanksinuprightpositionduringuse,transitor
• Leak test new and exchanged LP tanks BEFORE connecting to grill.
LP Tank Leak Test
For your safety
• LeaktestmustberepeatedeachtimeLPtankisexchangedorrefilled.
• Donotsmokeduringleaktest.
• Donotuseanopenflametocheckforgasleaks.
• Grillmustbeleakcheckedoutdoorsinwell-ventilatedarea,awayfromignition
Useacleanpaintbrushand50/50soapandwatersolution. Usemild
soap and water. ▲Do not use household cleaning agents. Damage
Brush soapy solution onto the shaded areas.
If "growing" bubbles appear do not use or move the LP tank. Contact an LP
gas supplier or your fire department!
Connecting Regulator To The LP Tank
1. LPtankmustbeproperlysecured onto
2. Turnallcontrolknobsincluding
OPD Hand
Type 1 outlet with
thread on outside
Safety Relief
3. Turn LP tank OFF by turning hand-
wheel clockwise to a full stop.
4. Remove the protective cap from LP
tank valve. Always use cap and strap
supplied with valve.
Strap and Cap
Do not use a POL transport plug (A) (plastic part with
external threads)! It will defeat the safety feature of
the valve.
5. Hold regulator, insert nipple (B) into LP tank valve. Hand tighten
coupling nut, holding regulator in a straight line (C) with
LP tank valve so as not to cross thread the connection.
Nipple has to be centered
into the LP tank valve
Hold coupling nut and regulator as shown
for proper connection to LP tank valve.
6. Turn the coupling nut clockwise to tighten to a full solid stop. The regulator will seal on the
back-check feature in LP tank valve, resulting in some resistance. An additional one-
half to three quarters turn is required to complete connection. Tighten by hand
only - do not use tools.
NOTE: If you cannot complete connection, disconnect regulator and repeat steps 5 and 6. If
you are still unable to complete the connection, do not use this regulator!
Do not insert any foreign objects into the valve outlet. You may damage the
valve and cause a leak. Leaking propane may result in explosion, fire, severe
personal injury, or death.
Never attempt to attach this grill to the self-contained LP gas system of
a camper trailer or motor home.
• Do not use grill until leak checked.
• If leak is detected at any time, STOP and call the Fire Department.
• If you cannot stop a gas leak, immediately close LP tank valve and call
LP gas supplier or your fire department!
Leak Testing Valves, Hoses and Regulator
1. Turn all grill control knob(s) to OFF.
2. BesureregulatoristightlyconnectedtoLPtank.
3. CompletelyopenLPtankvalvebyturninghandwheelcounterclockwise.Ifyouhear
a rushing sound, turn gas off immediately. There is a major leak at the connection.
Correct before proceeding.
4. Brush soapy solution onto following connections:
Sideburner Hose
(if featured)
▲Never remove opening
at end of valve
Sideburner Valve
(if featured)
HeatWave Hose
(if featured)
5. "If growing"bubblesappear, thereisaleak. CloseLPtankvalveimmediatelyand
retighten connections. If leaks cannot be stopped "do not try to repair" call for
replacementparts. Ordernewpartsbygivingtheserial, modelnumberandnameof
6. AlwayscloseLPtankvalveafterperformingleaktestbyturninghandwheelclockwise.
For Safe Use Of Your Grill And To Avoid Serious Injury:
• Do not let children operate or play near grill.
• Keep grill area clear and free from materials that burn.
• Do not block holes in bottom or back of grill.
• Check burner flames regularly.
• Use grill only in well-ventilated space. NEVER use in enclosed space such as
carport, garage, porch, covered patio, or under a surface that can catch fire.
• Do not use charcoal in a gas grill.
• Use grill at least 3 ft. from any wall or surface.
Maintain 10 ft. clearance to objects that can catch
fire or sources of ignition such as pilot lights on
water heaters, live electrical appliances, etc.
• Apartment Dwellers:
Check with management to learn the requirements and fire codes for using an
LP Gas Grill in an apartment. If allowed use outside on the ground floor with a
three (3) foot clearance from walls or rails. Do not use on or under balconies
made of wood.
• NEVER attempt to light burner with lid closed. A buildup of non-ignited
gas inside a closed grill is hazardous.
• Never operate grill with LP tank out of correct position specified in
Assembly Instructions.
• Always close LP tank valve and remove coupling nut before moving LP
tank from specified operating position.
▲ Before opening LP tank valve, check the coupling nut for tightness.
▲ When grill is not in use, turn off all control knobs and LP tank valve.
▲ Never move grill while in operation or still hot.
▲ Use long-handled barbecue utensils to avoid burns and splatters.
▲ Maximum load for sideburner, side shelf and front shelf is 10 lbs.
▲ A soup can must be attached to grease clip and emptied after each use. Do
not remove soup can until grill has completely cooled.
▲ If you notice grease or other hot material dripping from grill onto valve, hose
or regulator turn off gas supply at once. Determine the cause, correct, clean
and inspect valve, hose and regulator before continuing. Perform a leak test.
▲ The regulator may make a humming or whistling noise during operation. This
will not affect safety or use of grill.
▲ If you have a grill problem see the "Troubleshooting Section".
• Putting out grease fires by closing the lid is not possible. Grills are well
ventilated for safety reasons.
• Do not use water on a grease fire. Personal injury may result. If a grease
fire develops turn knobs and LP tank off.
• Do not leave grill unattended while preheating or burning off food residue on
high. If grill has not been regularly cleaned a grease fire can occur that may
Before Your First Cookout
• Light burners, check to make sure they are lit, close the lid and warm up grill on
HIGH for 15 minutes. Curing of paint and parts will produce an odor only on first
Ignitor Lighting Traditional and Quick Set
Do not lean over grill while lighting.
1. Open lid. Turn on gas at LP tank.
2. Turn LEFT knob to IGNITE.
3. Push IGNITOR Button
rapidly, or
hold, turn Ignitor Knob
(up to 5
4. Ifburnerdoesnotlightturnknob(s)toOFF,wait5minutes,tryagain.
5. Turn RIGHT knobs (if featured) to IGNITE to light other burner(s).
6. IfIGNITORdoesnotwork,followmatchlightinginstructions.
AfterLighting:Turnknob(s)toHIGHpositionforwarm-up. Donotwarmupgrillwithknobs
Match Lighting Traditional and Quick Set
▲ Do not lean over grill while lighting.
1. Open lid. Turn on gas at LP tank.
2. Placelitmatchintomatchlightingholefrom
3. Push in and turn Single or RIGHT knob to
IGNITE. Besureburnerlightsandstayslit.
4. Lightleftburner(iffeatured)bypushingLEFTknob
in and turning to IGNITE.
lighting hole
is in bottom
or side
Ignitor Lighting Big Easy
▲ Do not lean over grill while lighting.
1. Open lid. Turn on gas at LP tank. Rotisserie grills only: Push in and turn Burner
Selector Knob to ON MAIN BURNERS.
2. Turn LEFT knob to HI.
3. Push IGNITOR Button
rapidly, or
hold, turn Ignitor Knob
(up to 5
4. Ifburnerdoesnotlightturnknob(s)toOFF,wait5minutes,tryagain.
5. Turn RIGHT knob to HI to light second burner.
Three Burners:
5. Turn CENTER knob to HI and then RIGHT knob to HI.
6. IfIGNITORdoesnotwork,followmatchlightinginstructions.
Match Lighting Big Easy
▲ Do not lean over grill while lighting.
1. Open lid. Turn on gas at LP tank.
2. AttachmatchtoMatchholder,lightmatch
3. Push in and turn LEFT knob to HI. Be sure burner lights and stays lit.
4. Turn RIGHT knob to HI to light second burner.
Three Burners:
4. Turn CENTER knob to HI and then
Left Side of Grill
RIGHT knob to HI.
Match lighting hole
Rotisserie Burner Ignitor Lighting
1. TurnallknobstoOFF.
2. Open lid during lighting. Turn gas on at LP tank.
3. Push in and turn Burner Selector Knob to ON ROTISSERIE BURNER.
4. Press Ignitor Button
or Electronic Ignitor button
hold up to 4 seconds. Or turn
Ignitor Knob rapidly (up to 5 times). Be sure burner lights and stays lit.
5. IfIGNITORdoesnotwork,followmatchlightinginstructionsabove.
Match Lighting
1. Open lid. Turn on gas at LP tank.
2. Placelitmatchnearportholeofburner.
3. PushinandturnBurnerSelectorKnobtoONROTISSERIE
BURNER. Besureburnerlightsandstayslit.
Note: Rotisserie burner and main burner cannot be used
To match light use first
opening on burner
Sideburner Ignitor Lighting
1. Turn gas on at LP tank.
2. PushinandturnknobtoHIGH.
3. Turn or push
(up to 5 times to light burner). Be sure burner lights
4. Ifburnerdoesnotlightturnknob(s)toOFF,wait5minutes,tryagain.
Match Lighting
1. Turn gas on at LP tank.
2. Hold lit match to any port on the burner. Push in and turn
• If burner does not light turn knob(s) to OFF, wait 5 minutes, try again. If the
burner does not ignite with valve open, gas will continue to flow out of the
burner and could accidently ignite with risk of injury
Burner Flame Check
• Lightburner,rotateknob(s)fromHIGHtoLOW.
forsideburner(ifequipped). Ifonlylowflameisseenreferto"Suddendroporlowflame"
• TurnallknobstoOFFposition.TurnLPtankOFFbyturninghand-wheelclockwisetoa
Ignitor Check
• Turn gas off at LP tank. Press ignitor button or turn ignitor knob rapidly. "Click" should
Valve Check
• Important: Make sure gas is OFF at LP tank before checking valves. Knobs lock in
Hose Check
• Beforeeachuse, checktoseeifhosesarecutorworn. Replacedamagedhosesbefore
General Grill Cleaning
• Do not mistake brown or black accumulation of grease and smoke for paint.
grill lid and bottom. Rinse and allow to completely air dry. Do not apply a caustic grill/
oven cleaner to painted surfaces.
• Plated wire grate(s): wash grate(s) and drip vaporiser bar with concentrated grill
cleaner or use soap and water solution. Dry thoroughly and store indoors between
• Plastic parts: wash with warm soapy water and wipe dry. ▲ Do not use citrisol,
abrasive cleaners, degreasers or a concentrated grill cleaner on plastic parts.
Damage to and failure of parts can result.
• Porcelain grate(s): because of glass-like composition, most residue can be
wiped away with baking soda/water solution or specially formulated cleaner. Use
• StainlessSteel:Washwithmilddetergentornonabrasivecleanerandwarmsoapy
• Exterior Stainless Steel Parts: Use nonabrasive stainless or glass cleaners or a
spray lubricant. Wipe dry with a soft nonabrasive cloth. Note: Spray lubricant is
excellent for removing fingerprints.
• Briquet and Fire grates: will eventually decompose and weaken with use.
Remove grate from grill and tap to loosen any scaling. Brush grate vigorously with a
wire brush to remove any additional scaling, rust or residue.
Repainting Your Grill
• After extended use and exposure to weather, paint on grill may deteriorate or
become spotted. Although this detracts from grill's appearance, it will not impair its
• To refinish your grill brush outside of grill lid and bottom with wire brush and lightly
sand with fine grit sandpaper. Sanding allows new paint to adhere more easily.
Wash grill lid and bottom with soap and water to remove dust and grease. Do not
use a grill cleaner on outside of grill. Wipe with vinegar. Refinish outside with heat-
resistant paint. Do not paint inside of grill.
Care Of Wood
• Wood items can be sanded lightly with fine grit sandpaper. Refinish with stain, paint
or water sealant.
FACT: Sometimes spiders and other small insects climb into
the burner tubes attached to the burner. The spiders spin
webs, build nests and lay eggs. The webs or nests can be very
small, but they are very strong and can block the flow of gas.
Clean burner(s) prior to use after storing, at the beginning of
grilling season or after a period of one month not being used.
Typical spider webs inside burner
Spider Guards are on the air intakes in an effort to reduce this problem, but it will
not eliminate it! An obstruction can result in a "flashback" ( a fire in the burner
tubes). The grill may still light, but the obstruction does not allow full gas flow to the
1. Smell gas.
2. Burner(s) will not light.
3. A small yellow flame from burner
(should be blue).
4. Fire coming from around or
behind a control knob.
Immediately turn off gas at
LP Tank.
SOLUTION: Wait for grill to cool.
Follow the cleaning instructions on the next pages for
your appropriate grill. Clean burners often. Spiders and
insects don't care if your grill is brand new or you just
cleaned it. We have found in trying to remove web's from the
burner tubes a 12" pipe cleaner cleans out the tubes, or water from a hose
with a nozzle attached. Forced water is needed to wash out the web.
Cleaning The Traditional Burner Assembly
Follow these instructions to clean and/or replace parts of burner assembly or if
you have trouble igniting grill.
1. Turn gas off at control knobs and LP tank.
2. Remove cooking grate and drip vaporiser bar.
3. Discard used briquets before removing burner and briquet grate.
4. Under grill remove grease cup. Beneath console disconnect short ignitor wire
from ignitor (A).
5. Remove screw holding collector box (B). Note which hole on collector box
used for attaching to burner. Remove collector box, clean ceramic portion of
electrode with rubbing alcohol and cloth.
6. Under console disengage burner spring(s) from burner tube (C). Do not
remove spring(s) from valve.
7. Remove briquet grate and burner together, slide backwards, lift up and out of
grill (D). Separate burner and briquet grate. Remove scale from briquet grate,
replace if necessary.
8.. Clean outside of burner with soap and water. Lay burner upside down on flat
surface, insert garden hose to force water through tubes. Make sure water
comes out of all burner holes. Open clogged holes with a thin wire. Shake
out excess water and examine holes. Due to normal wear and corrosion
some holes may become enlarged. If any large cracks or holes are found
replace burner.
9. If grill is to be stored, coat burner lightly with cooking oil. Wrap in protective
cover to keep insects out. If not storing grill after cleaning, hold briquet grate
and burner together angle into grill bottom (D).
10. After cleaning, insert wire and electrode into hole in grill bottom (A). Reattach
collector box to burner with screw (B). Be sure to use correct hole.
11. Place end of spring(s) into hole on underside of burner tube(s) as before (C)
to secure burner.
VERY IMPORTANT: Burner tube(s) must engage valve opening(s) as shown
12. Reattach round connector of ignitor wire to ignitor.
13. Do not use more than 16 new briquets on briquet grate around burner. Do not
let briquets cover burner holes.
14. Reposition drip vaporiser bar and cooking grate(s). Reattach clean can to
grease clip.
15. Before cooking again on grill, follow "Burner Flame Check".
Dual Valve Burner with
Burner Tube
Cleaning The Quick Set Burner Assembly
Follow these instructions to clean and/or replace parts of burner assembly or if
you have trouble igniting grill.
1. Turn gas off at control knobs and LP tank.
2. Remove cooking grate and drip vaporiser bar.
3. Discard used briquets before removing burner and briquet grate.
4. Under grill remove grease cup, (unscrew ignitor button and remove
battery on electronic ignition models), disconnect short ignitor wire (A) and
clips from burner (B). To remove clips pull down on large end of clip
attached to the valve, turn away from valve, rotate upward and remove
small end of clip from burner tube.
5. Inside grill remove burner assembly and briquet grate (C), clean ceramic
portion of electrode with rubbing alcohol and a swab. Remove scale from
briquet grate, replace if necessary.
6. Clean outside of burner with soap and water. Lay burner upside down on
flat surface, insert garden hose to force water through tubes. Make sure
water comes out of all burner holes. Open clogged holes with a thin wire.
Shake out excess water and examine holes. Due to normal wear and
corrosion some holes may become enlarged. If any large cracks or holes
are found replace burner.
7. If grill is to be stored, coat burner lightly with cooking oil. Wrap in
protective cover to keep insects out.
8. If not storing grill after cleaning, hold briquet grate and burner together
angle into grill bottom (D).
9. To reattach clips hold large curved end away from burner tube, insert
small curved end into hole under burner tube, turn clip towards valve,
snap into place.
VERY IMPORTANT: Clips must be attached correctly for proper grill
function (B).
10. Reattach ignitor wire to ignitor (A). (Reinstall battery and ignitor button on
electronic ignition models.)
11. Do not use more than 16 new briquets on briquet grate around burner. Do
not let briquets cover burner holes.
12. Reposition drip vaporiser bar and cooking grate(s). Reattach clean can to
grease clip.
13. Before cooking again on grill, follow "Burner Flame Check".
Burner Tube
Short Ignitor Wire
Cleaning The Big Easy Burner Assembly
Follow these instructions to clean and/or replace parts of burner assembly or if
you have trouble igniting grill.
1. Turn gas off at control knobs and LP tank.
2. Remove cooking grates, burner tent and tent frame.
3. Under grill remove soup can from grease clip.
4. Beneath left side of grill bottom remove ignitor wire by pulling down on
ceramic insulator (A).
Electronic Ignition Grills: Disconnect battery and then ceramic insulator with
ignitor wire.
5. Under console disengage (B) clips by lightly pushing clip on burner tube away
from you and pull down. Remove burners from grill bottom. Two burner grills:
Remove burners and shield from grill bottom.
6. Wipe ceramic electrode (A) with rubbing alcohol and cloth.
7. Clean burners exterior with soap and water. Lay burners on flat surface, insert
garden hose (preferably with nozzle), into burner tubes forcing water through
tubes. Make sure water comes out of every porthole. Open clogged portholes
with a thin wire. Shake out excess water and examine portholes. Due to
normal wear and corrosion some portholes may become enlarged, if so
replace burner. If any horizontal cracks appear from porthole to porthole or
large holes (other than portholes) are found replace burner. Use a wire brush
to clean carry-over tube(s).
8. If grill is to be stored, coat burners lightly with cooking oil. Wrap in protective
cover to keep insects out. If not storing use following steps.
9. Two burner grills: Place shield into bottom of grill then burners. Attach
burners into valves, under grill bottom reattach clips.
VERY IMPORTANT: Burner tubes must engage valve openings as shown
10. Attach ceramic insulator with ignitor wire to left burner. Replace battery (if
11. Reposition cooking grates, tent frame and burner tent. Reattach soup can to
grease clip under grill bottom.
12. Before cooking again on grill, follow "Burner Flame Check".
Indirect Cooking
Three burners work independently offering maximum flexibility. Poultry and large cuts of meat
cook slowly to perfection on the grill by indirect heat. The heat from selected burners circu-
gently throughout the grill, cooking meat or poultry without the touch of a direct flame. This
method greatly reduces flare-ups when cooking extra fatty cuts because there is no direct
flame to ignite the fats and juices that drip during cooking.
Indirect Cooking Instructions
• Always cook with the lid closed.
• Due to weather conditions, cooking times may vary. During cold and windy conditions the
temperature setting may need to be increased to insure sufficient cooking temperatures.
• Never cook with the food placed directly over the flames.
One-Burner Indirect Cooking
• Use this method for larger foods or large amounts
of food.
• Ignite the LEFT burner. For slow cooking, adjust the
control knob to the Low setting. For faster cooking,
adjust the control knob to the HI setting.
• Place the food in the center or left side of the cooking
• Because the heat source is only on one side, the food should be rotated at least once
during cooking to insure even cooking. Use a meat thermometer to determine when the
food is done.
Two-Burner Indirect Cooking
• Use this method for smaller foods that fit between the
left and right burners without being placed directly
over the flames.
• First, ignite the LEFT burner. Second, ignite
the CENTER and RIGHT burners and adjust the control
knobs to the Low setting. Third, turn the CENTER
burner Off.
• Place the food in the center of the cooking grate.
• Because there is a heat source on both sides, there is no need to rotate the food during
cooking. Use a meat thermometer to determine when the food is done.
Three-Burner Cooking
• Full heat distribution for maximum cooking.
• Controlled grilling of larger meals.
• Great flexibility for a variety of foods.
Grill Smoking
You will need:
Aromatic wood chips
Heavy duty aluminum foil
Soak 2 cups wood chips for two hours. Tear off a piece of aluminum foil a
little larger than a burner tent. Place soaked chips onto foil, turn up sides to
seal chips inside and punch pea sized holes in top of pouch.
Put pouch on a turned over burner tent.
Smoking time for a pouch is approximately 30 minutes with burner on
LOW with lid closed. Make two or three pouches at one time for meats
that require longer smoking/cooking times.
Cleaning The Rotisserie Burner
Follow these instructions to clean and/or replace parts or if you have trouble igniting
1. Turn gas off at control knobs and LP tank.
2. Disconnectignitorwirefromelectrode(A).
3. Removethumbscrewfromshield(B),removeshieldandcleananyaccumulationofgrease
4. Unfastenhingepinsandhitchpin.Notehowhingepinsandhitchpinsareattached.
5. Usinggardenhose(preferablywithnozzle),forcewaterthroughburnertube.Make
6. Examinerotisseriehousingandburnerclosely(C).Ifanycracksorlargeholes(other
7. Wipeceramicportionofelectrode(A)withrubbingalcoholandcloth.
8. Ifgrillistobestored,coatburnerlightlywithcookingoil.Wrapwithprotectivecovertokeep
9. Afterburnerhasbeencleaned,placerotisserieburnerontobackofgrillbottomandattach
10. Placegastubeinsideburnertubeputshieldoverburnertubeandsecurewiththumbscrew.
VERY IMPORTANT: Burner tube must engage gas tube as shown (D).
11. Attachflatendofignitorwire(A)toelectrode.
Thumb Screw
Hitch Pin
Burner Tube
Rotisserie Burner
Gas Tube
Hinge Pin
Ignitor Wire
Hitch Pin
Burner Portholes
Gas Tube
Burner Tube
Rotisserie Burner Use
The Rotisserie burner is an 10,500 BTU radiant heat burner that transforms your grill into
a multilevel cooking center. It is attached to the back of the bottom casting, above the main
You can use the burner as a broiler to cook foods on the cooking grates or bonus-grid. If
you do, then you cannot use the bottom burner.
Or, you can remove the cooking grates or bonus grid, install a rotisserie and use the
burner to perfectly roast foods on the spit. This is the most common use for the burner.
You cannot use the bottom burner with this process either.
By not using the lower burner, the grease and food drippings won't burn and cause
flare-ups. It's healthier, it's fuel-efficient, and it creates a delicious slow-cooked roast
beef, chicken, or veggie kabob on the rotisserie . . . or a beautiful broiled salmon,
lobster, or vegetable medley on the grid.
Cooking Chart For Rotisserie Burner
Weight Time
Chicken/Fryer 3.5 lbs. 65 minutes
Turkey Breast/ 2.5 lbs. 1 hr: 30 min.
Internal temperature 1800F
Internal temperature 1700F
Cornish Hens
20 oz.
1 hr: 10 min.
Internal temperature 1800F
Internal temperature 1800F
Place pan of water in bottom of grill. Internal
temperature 1700F
4.5 lbs. 2 hr: 15 min.
Pork Shoulder 3.25 lbs. 2 hr: 30 min.
Pork Boston Butt 3.3 lbs. 2 hr: 45 min.
Place pan of water in bottom of grill. Internal
temperature 1700F
Pork Tenderloin 1.25 lbs. Med: 40 min.
Well: 50 min.
Internal temperature: Med:1600F
Pork Spareribs/ 2.75 lbs. 1 hr: 30 min.
Beef Back Ribs
Place pan of water in bottom of grill.
Beef Bottom
3.3 lbs. Med rare: 1 hr 50 min. Internal temperature: Med rare:1400F
Med: 2 hrs.
Well: 2 hrs. 10 min. Well:1600F
Round Roast
Cooking Tips
If you set a foil pan in the bottom casting, right on the burner and briquets, it will
catch any food drippings created by cooking with the Rotisserie Burner. You'll
have no grease in the grill to clean.
If you group different vegetables by the length of time it takes to cook, then
everything will be done at the same time. Check the enclosed food chart for
cooking times.
Cooking Chart
Cooking times and temperatures may vary according to specific recipes, cooking
conditions or barbecue equipment used. Take these factors into consideration to
insure best results. If you use the indirect cooking method (indirect cooking is lighting
only one burner and placing food on opposite side of cooking grate), allow more
grilling time.
Temperatures: High = 650 F0 / Medium = 450 F0 / Low = 300 F0
Cooking Time
Hamburger 1/2" thick
Med: 7-10 min/Well done: 10-15 min
Steak 1/2"
Medium-Hot Rare: 3-6 min/Med: 6-9 min/Well done: 9-12 min
Rare: 18-22 min per lb/Med: 22-28 min per lb
Well done: 28-32 min per lb
Chops 1/2"
Well done: 15-20 min
Ribs 5-6 lbs
Low-Medium Well done: 45-90 min
Low-Medium Well done: 18-23 min per lb
Medium-Hot 12-15 min
Roast 3-5 lbs
Ham Steak 1/2"
Ham 5 lb fully cooked
Low-Medium 20 min per lb
Chops 1/2"
6-12 min
Chicken 2 1/2-3 1/2 lbs
1 hr 15 min to 1 hr 30 min
40-60 min
Chicken-halved or quartered Low
18-20 min per lb
Steaks 1" thick
Medium-Hot Well done: 10-15 min
Medium-Hot 8-12 min
Fillets 6-8 oz
Shrimp large or jumbo
Low-Medium 8-12 min
Steak 1" thick
Rare: 8-10 min/Med: 10-12 min
Rare: 10-12 min/Med: 12-15 min
Burgers 1/2"
Roast 3-4 lbs
Low-Medium Rare: 20-22 min per lb/Med: 22-25 min per lb
Cooking Time
Wrap vegetables in foil
Baking potato, whole
Onions, whole
Tomatoes, half
Corn, whole
55-60 min
45 min
30-40 min
35-45 min
15-20 min
Food Safety
Food safety is a very important part of enjoying the outdoor cooking experience.
To keep food safe from harmful bacteria, follow these four basic steps:
Clean: Wash hands, utensils, and surfaces with hot soapy water before and after
handling raw meat and poultry.
Separate: Separate raw meats and poultry from ready-to-eat foods to avoid cross
contamination. Use a clean platter and utensils when removing cooked
Cook meat and poultry thoroughly to kill bacteria. Use a thermometer to
ensure proper internal food temperatures.
Refrigerate prepared foods and leftovers promptly.
For more information call: USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline at
1-800-535-4555 In Washington, DC (202) 720-3333, 10:00 am-4:00 pm EST
How To Tell If Meat Is Grilled Thoroughly
Meat and poultry cooked on a grill often browns very fast on the outside. Use a
meat thermometer to be sure food has reached a safe internal temperature, and
cut into food to check for visual signs of doneness.
Whole poultry should reach 1800 F; breasts, 1700 F. Juices should run clear and
flesh should not be pink.
Hamburgers made of any ground meat or poultry should reach 1600 F, and be
brown in the middle with no pink juices. Beef, veal and lamb steaks, roasts and
chops can be cooked to 1450 F. All cuts of pork should reach 1600 F.
NEVER partially grill meat or poultry and finish cooking later. Cook food
completely to destroy harmful bacteria.
When reheating takeout foods or fully cooked meats like hot dogs, grill to 1650 F,
or until steaming hot.
Troubleshooting - General
Possible Cause
Clean wire(s) and/or electrode with
rubbing alcohol and clean swab.
Burner will not light Wire(s)and/orelectrode
using ignitor.
Wipe dry with cloth.
Electrode(s) and burner are
Replace electrode(s).
Electrode(s) cracked or broken
Reconnect wires or replace
electrode/wire assembly.
Wire(s) is loose or
Replace ignitor wire/electrode
Replace ignitor.
No gas flow.
Check to see if LP tank is empty. If
LP tank is not empty, refer to
"Sudden drop in gas flow".
Burner(s) will not
match light.
Turn the coupling nut about one-
half to three quarters additional
turn until solid stop. Tighten by
hand only-do not use tools.
Clear burner tube(s).
Reengage burner and valve.
Reattach spring clip(s) (if featured)
Check steps in assembly
Check for gas in LP tank.
Sudden drop in gas Outofgas.
flow or low flame.
Turn off knobs, wait 30 seconds
and light grill.
If flames are still low, turn off
knob(s) and LP tank valve.
Disconnect regulator. Reconnect
regulator and leak check. Turn on
LP tank valve, wait 30 seconds and
then light grill.
Possible Cause
Flames blow out.
High or gusting winds.
Turn front of grill to face wind or
increase flame height.
Low on LP gas.
Refill LP tank.
Refer to "Sudden drop in gas flow"
Clean grill.
Trim fat from meat before grilling.
Adjust (lower) temperature
Persistent grease
fire (can damage
the appearance of
steel panels and
aluminum castings
on the grill).
Grease trapped by food
buildup around burner
Turn knob(s) to OFF. Turn gas off
at LP tank. Leave lid in position and
let fire burn out. After grill cools,
remove, clean all parts and replace
soup can.
Grease soaked into briquets Replace briquets. If cooking with
fatty meats remove briquets.
(fire in burner
Burner and/or burner tubes Turn knob(s) to OFF. Clean burner
and/or burner tubes.
Unable to fill LP
Some dealers have older fill The worn nozzles don't have
nozzles with worn threads.
enough "bite" to engage the valve.
Try a second LP dealer.
One burner
light off other
Grease or food particles in
slot underneath lip on carry- brush.
over tube
Clean carry-over tube(s) with wire
Troubleshooting - Electronic Ignition System
CheckProcedure Solution
No sparks
appear at any
when ignition
button is
Battery not installed Check battery
Install battery (make sure
that "+" and "–" connectors
are oriented correctly, with
"+" end down and "–" end
pushed; no
noise can be
heard from
spark module.
Dead battery.
Has battery been
used previously?
Replace battery with new
AAA-size alkaline battery.
Button assembly not Check to insure
Unscrew button cap
installed properly.
threads are properly assembly and reinstall,
engaged. Button making sure threads are
should travel up and aligned and engaged fully.
down without
Faulty spark
If no sparks are
generated with new assembly.
battery and good
Replace spark module
wire connections,
module is faulty.
No sparks
Output lead
connections not
Are output
Remove and reconnect all
appear at any
when ignition
switch is
connections on and output connections at
module and electrodes.
pushed; noise
can be heard
from spark
Storing Your Grill
• Cleancookinggrate(s)anddiscardoldbriquets.
• Storeindrylocation.
• WhenLPtankisconnectedtogrill,storeoutdoorsinwell-ventilatedspaceandoutofreach
• Covergrillifstoredoutdoors.ChoosefromavarietyofgrillcoversofferedbyChar-Broil.
• StoregrillindoorsONLYifLPtankisturnedoffanddisconnected,removedfromgrilland
• Whenremovinggrillfromstoragefollow"CleaningBurnerAssembly"instructionsbefore
CheckProcedure Solution
Sparks are
Output lead
Are output
Remove and reconnect all
present but not connections not
at all electrodes complete.
and/or not at
connections on and output connections at
module and electrodes.
full strength.
Arcing to grill away If possible, observe If sparks are observed
from burner(s).
grill in dark location. other than from burner(s),
Operate ignition wire insulation may be
system and look for damaged. Replace wires.
arcing between
output wires and grill
Weak battery.
Replace battery with a new
All sparks present
but weak or at slow
AAA-size alkaline battery.
Electrodes are wet.
Use paper towel to
remove moisture.
Has moisture
accumulated on
electrode and/or in
burner ports?
Electrodes cracked
Replace cracked or
or broken "sparks at Inspect electrodes broken electrodes.
crack". for cracks.
Certified Grill PartsAndAccessories®, Char-Broil and Design®, Char-Broil (Gas Grill Briquettes)®, Char-Diamonds®,
Cooking Zone and Design®, Diamond Flame®, Executive Chef®, Faststart®, Flare Fighter®, FlavorMaster®, Gas Grill
Silouette and Design®, H2O Smoker®, Lava Flame®, MasterFlame®, MasterFlame Precision Cooking System®,
PowerSpark®, Quantum®, VIP®, PrecisionFlame and Design®, Sierra®, and TruFlame® are registered Trademarks of the
W.C. Bradley Company. Thermos® is a registered trademark of the Thermos Company and its affiliates.
Artisan Collection by Char-Broil ™, C3 and Design™, Char-Broil and Design™, Flame Design™, FlavorTents™, Grill 2
Go™, Grillin’ Stick™, Keeper of the Flame™, Keepers of the Flame™, Natural Grip™, Outdoor Cooking Collection and
Design™, Patio Bistro™, PrecisionFlame™, Pro-Check™, QuickSet Grills and Design™, SmokerTents™, The Big Easy™,
The Minute Grill™, The Edge™, The Tuscan Collection™, and The Urban Grill™ are Trademarks of the W.C. Bradley
Company. Universal Grill Parts and Design™ is a trademark of the Thermos Company and its affiliates.
Protected under one or more of the following U.S. Patents: 4,598,692; 4,624,240; 4,747,391; 4,747,391; 4,817,583;
4,924,846; 4,989,579; 5,003,960; 5,076,256; 5,076,257; 5,090,398; 5,109,834; 5,224,676; 5,277,106; 5,421,319;
5,441,226; 5,452,707; 5,458,309; 5,566,606; 5,566,606; 5,579,755; 5,582,094; 5,613,486; 5,649,475; 5,706,797;
5,711,663; 5,765,543; 5,931,149; 5,996,573; 6,095,132; 6,135,104; 6,279,566; D282,619; D339,714; D341,292; D343,337;
D358,059; D361,466; D364,535; D372,637; D373,701; D377,735; D383,035; D397,910; D405,643; D405,643; D406,005;
D406,009; D413,043; D413,229; D413,229; D414,982; D415,388; D416,164; D416,441; D416,441; D417,587; D422,516;
D423,274; D423,876; D428,303; D435,396; D436,004; D438,059; D438,060; D438,427; D439,110; D442,505; D443,179;
D443,354; D447,384; D447,385; D447,909; D448,610; D448,614; D448,615; D448,616; D448,975; D449,492 and
D451,759. Canada: 87743; 87744; 92607; 92608 and 1,316,424. Other Patents Pending.
Manufacturerwarrantstotheoriginalconsumer-purchaserthatthisproduct shallbefree
(1) Thealuminumtopandbottomcastingsforthelifeoforiginalpurchase,excludingthe
(2) The burner/venturi assembly on Traditional and QuickSet Grills for a period of
three (3) years from the date of purchase; five (5) years on Big Easy; and
(3) All other parts for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase.
Manufacturerwill, atitsoption, refinishorreplaceanyproductorpartfoundtobedefective
during the warranty period. Manufacturer will require you to return the part(s) claimed to be
Ifyouwishtoobtainperformanceofanyobligationunderthislimitedwarranty, youshould
Consumer Warranty / P.O. Box 1240
Columbus, GA 31902-1240
Manufacturer may require reasonable proof of purchase and we suggest you keep your
receipt. InthestateofCaliforniaonly,ifrefinishingorreplacementoftheproductisnot
only, youmaytaketheproducttotheretailestablishmentfromwhichitwaspurchasedortoany
This warranty does not include the cost on any inconvenience or property damage due to
failureoftheproductanddoesnotcoverdamageduetomisuse, abuse, accident, damage
product. This express warranty is the sole warranty given by the manufacturer and is in lieu of
product has any authority to make any warranties or to promise remedies in addition to or
inconsistent with those stated above. Manufacturer's maximum liability, in any event,
shall not exceed the purchase price of the product paid by the original consumer-
purchaser. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or
consequential damages. So the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights and may also have other rights which vary
from state to state.
Electronic Ignition System 10 Year Limited Warranty
materials and workmanship for a ten (10) year period from date of purchase to the original
defective part will be repaired or replaced at Manufacturer's option. The product, along
with proof of purchase, must be returned postage prepaid.
Ifyouwishtoobtainperformanceofanyobligationunderthislimitedwarranty, youshould
write to: Consumer Warranty • P.O. Box 1240 • Columbus, GA 31902-1240
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