Trane Wheelchair Direct Fired Indoor and Outdoor Make Up Air Units User Manual |
Controls Program m ing Guide
Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Make-Up
Air Units
January 2007
AdaptAire is adaptable to a variety of different network architectures and
protocols. Each controller has built-in protocol translation and can be configured
for operation on ARCnet156 or EIA-485 com m unication networks. See Appendix
IV for specific controller specifications.
The AdaptAire system can be connected to m ost existing building autom ation
system s. Som e system s m ay require the use of special controllers and network
com m unication devices. See Appendix I for Device Param eters and Cache Setup
inform ation.
The following is a list of AdaptAire DDC controller defaults. These are the default
operating param eters set at the factory prior to shipm ent.
Table 1.
Default settings
002 binary dips
Unit Network Address
000 – 255 binary dips
Unit Operating Mode
Time Clock Schedule
4 Daily - 12 Holiday - 2
Override schedules
Heating/Cooling Operating
Damper Operating Mode
Fuel Selection
Heating Night Setback
Cooling Night Setback
Room Temperature Setpoint
Natural Gas
40°F - 80°F
75°F - 120°F
55°F - 90°F
35°F - 50°F
Outside Air Economizer
40°F - 80°F
Minimum Discharge
Temperature Setpoint
40°F - 130°F
55°F - 130°F
30°F - 90°F
Maximum Discharge
Temperature Setpoint
Mixed Air Temperature
Building Pressure Setpoint
0” W. C.
-0.05” - +0.05” W. C.
0% - 100%
Manual Damper Position
20% Outside Air
Minimum Ventilation
20% Outside Air
0% - 100%
User PID Select
High Input Value
Direct Acting
-9999.99 – 99999.99
MUA-SVP01A-EN • Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units
Table 1.
Default settings (continued)
Low Input Value
-9999.99 – 99999.99
-9999.99 – 99999.99
-9999.99 – 99999.99
-9999.99 – 99999.99
User Control Setpoint
Maximum User Setpoint
Minimum User Setpoint
Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units • MUA-SVP01A-EN
NETWORKING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
ADAPTAIRE DEFAULT SETTINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Unit Operating Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
MDT Controls: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
MRT Controls: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
MRT-Pro Controls: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
MRT-Expert Controls: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Heating Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Ventilation Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Cooling Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Dam per Control Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Manual Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
100% Outside Air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Minim um Ventilation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Freezestat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Clogged Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
User Configured PID Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
DIRECT ACTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
REVERSE ACTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Unit Resets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Multiplexed Inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Clock Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Critical Fault Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
FAULT CODE: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Safety Circuit Open29
FAULT CODE: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Burner Status30
FAULT CODE: Burner Hand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
FAULT CODE: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flam e Failure32
Diagnostics - Non-Critical Fault Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
FAULT CODE: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unit off/Fan on33
FAULT CODE: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unit on/Fan off34
FAULT CODE: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Check Airflow Switches35
FAULT CODE: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clogged Filter Switch36
FAULT CODE: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Energy Save Mode 137
FAULT CODE: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Energy Save Mode 238
FAULT CODE: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Energy Save Mode 339
FAULT CODE: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Insufficient OA40
Menu Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Menu Selection Tree for BACview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
UNIT MODES HOTKEY - 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
SET POINTS HOTKEY - 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
STATUS MENU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HOTKEY - 445
RESETS HOTKEY - 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
SCHEDULES HOTKEY- 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
CLOCKSET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HOTKEY - 047
HELP HOTKEY - 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
FUEL SELECT HOTKEY - 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Therm ostat Output Curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
10 K Ohm s Therm istor Output Curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Airflow Station Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
I/ O Zone 583 Controller Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Typical Wiring Schem atic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Unit Operating Modes
There are three different m odes that control the supply fan and unit operation:
There are also four different m ethods for controlling the operating m odes:
"a rem ote panel with two rotating knob adjustm ents (MDT and MRT controls)
"a rem ote panel with one rotating knob and an intelligent room sensor (MRT-
Pro controls)
"an intelligent room sensor and local user interface panel with LCD display
any of the above controls with a internet-base WebCTRL interface.
MDT Controls:
MDT, m odulating discharge tem perature, is the m ost basic AdaptAire control for
discharge tem perature. The MDT control system includes a rem ote control panel
equipped with 1 or 2 potentiom eters, 3 or m ore pilot lights, and up to 2 switches.
Off Mode is the default unit operational m ode. To place the unit in the Off Mode,
rotate the "tem perature setpoint" knob on the rem ote control panel
counterclockwise to the stop. This will place the unit in the OFF m ode and
extinguish the "unit enable" light. The OFF m ode prevents the unit from starting
Manual Mode allows the unit to turn on. To place the unit in the Manual Mode,
rotate the "tem perature setpoint" knob on the rem ote control panel clockwise to
the desired discharge air tem perature setpoint. This will place the unit in the
MANUAL m ode and enable the burner. See Heating/Ventilating/Cooling Modes
and Energy Saving Modes of this m anual for m ore inform ation.
Auto Mode has four different functions that control the unit operation. They are a
tim e clock, heating and cooling night setbacks, and a signal from an external
The MDT control does not support the tim e clock, night setback, or auxiliary unit
enable functions.
MUA-SVP01A-EN • Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units
Unit Operating Modes
MRT Controls:
MRT, m odulating room tem perature, is the m ost basic AdaptAire control for
room tem perature. The MRT control system includes a rem ote control panel
equipped with 1 or 2 potentiom eters, 3 or m ore pilot lights, and up to 2 switches.
Off Mode is the default unit operational m ode. To place the unit in Off Mode
rotate the "tem perature setpoint" knob on the rem ote control panel
counterclockwise to the stop. This will place the unit in the OFF m ode and
extinguish the "unit enable" light. The OFF m ode prevents the unit from starting.
Manual Mode allows the unit to turn on To place the unit in Manual Mode rotate
the "tem perature setpoint" knob on the rem ote control panel clockwise to the
desired room tem perature setpoint. This will place the unit in the MANUAL
m ode. The burner will be enabled if the room air tem perature is 2° below the
room tem perature setpoint and will be deactivated when the room air
tem perature is above the room tem perature setpoint. The cooling output will be
enabled if the room air tem perature is 2° above the room tem perature setpoint
and will be deactivated when the room air tem perature is below the room
tem perature setpoint.
Auto Mode has four different functions that control the unit operation. They are a
tim e clock, heating and cooling night setbacks, and a signal from an external
The MRT control does not support the tim e clock, night setback, or auxiliary unit
enable functions.
MRT-Pro Controls:
The AdaptAire MRT-Pro, m odulating room tem perature control, provides som e
lim ited inform ation regarding unit operation on an LCD display and allows the
user to adjust a few basic operational param eters. The MRT-Pro m ust be placed
in the MANUAL or AUTO m ode in the controller program using a BACview or PC
in order for it to operate. The Off, Manual, and Auto m odes will then function as
described in the following sections.
Off Mode is the default unit operational m ode. The OFF m ode prevents the unit
from starting and overrides the Tim e Clock and Night Setback functions. A
BACview or PC is required to change from this m ode. See the section related to
the MRT Expert for instructions on how to use the BACview for program m ing.
Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units • MUA-SVP01A-EN
Unit Operating Modes
Manual Mode allows the unit to turn on regardless of the Tim e Clock or Night
Setback functions. A BACview or PC is required to change to this m ode. See the
section related to the MRT Expert for instructions on how to use the BACview for
program m ing.
Auto Mode has four different functions that control the unit operation. They are a
tim e clock, heating and cooling night setbacks, and a signal from an external
source. A BACview or PC is required to change to this m ode. See the section
related to the MRT Expert for instructions on how to use the BACview for
program m ing.
Unoccupied/ Occupied Control. Once the unit is placed in the Auto Mode, the
unit can be controlled from the keypad on the MRT-Pro room sensor. The MRT-
Pro room sensor display will indicate the unit is in the un-occupied period. To
turn the unit on and place it in the occupied period press the "Manual On" button
on the face of the MRT-Pro room sensor. Pressing the "Warm er" button can
increase the am ount of "on" tim e. Pressing the "Cooler" button can decrease the
am ount of "on" tim e. Each press decreases the tim e in 30-m inute increm ents.
Each press increases the tim e in 30-m inute increm ents to a m axim um of 9 hours
of "on" tim e.
To turn the unit off and place it in the un-occupied period press the "Manual On"
button on the face of the MRT-Pro room sensor. The display will indicate the
am ount of "on" tim e rem aining. Press the "Cooler" button repeatedly until the
tim e reaches zero, and the unit shuts off. Each press decreases the tim e in 30-
m inute increm ents.
Auto Mode has four different functions that control the unit operation. They are a
tim e clock, heating and cooling night setbacks, and a signal from an external
Scheduling Tim e Clock. This function requires the purchase of a BACview or a
direct PC interface to the unit controller. See the section related to the MRT
Expert for instructions on how to use the BACview for program m ing.
Heating Night Setback. The Heating Night Setback function autom atically cycles
the unit "on" if the room tem perature falls below the Heating Night Setback
tem perature setpoint, and the unit is scheduled to be "off". If the unit is scheduled
to be "off" and the Heating Night Setback function turns the unit "on", the unit will
be cycled "off" once the room air tem perature has risen 2° above the Heating
Night Setback setpoint. The default for this setpoint is 55°F and is fixed at 10°
below the Heating setpoint. Changing the Heating setpoint changes the Heating
Night Setback setpoint
Cooling Night Setback. The Cooling Night Setback function autom atically cycles
the unit "on" if the room tem perature rises above the Cooling Night Setback
tem perature setpoint, and the unit is scheduled to be "off". If the unit is scheduled
MUA-SVP01A-EN • Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units
Unit Operating Modes
to be "off" and the Cooling Night Setback function turns the unit "on", the unit will
be cycled "off" once the room air tem perature has fallen 2° below the Cooling
Night Setback setpoint. The default for this setpoint is 100°F and is fixed at 27°
above the Cooling setpoint. Changing the Cooling setpoint changes the Cooling
Night Setback setpoint.
Auxiliary Unit Enable. The Auxiliary Unit Enable function overrides all other
Auto Mode functions and autom atically cycles the unit into operation. This
function is activated whenever a contact is closed between the appropriate
term inals on the unit's term inal strip located in the unit's m ain control panel. See
the Typical Wiring Schem atic and Multiplexed Input sections of this m anual for
m ore inform ation. This function can be used with a twist tim er, toggle switch,
door switch, exhaust fan interlock, or any other dry contact to override the tim e
clock schedule.
MRT-Expert Controls:
The AdaptAire MRT-Expert, m odulating room tem perature control, provides full
inform ation regarding unit operation and allows the user to adjust all operational
param eters using the included BACview panel.
Off Mode is the default unit operational m ode. To place the unit in Off Mode
scroll through the Unit Modes m enu tree, locate the AUTO/OFF/MANUAL branch,
and select OFF. This will place the unit in the OFF m ode. The OFF m ode prevents
the fan and burner from starting. This m ode will override the Tim e Clock and
Night Setback functions.
Manual Mode allows the supply fan to turn on regardless of the Tim e Clock or
Night Setback functions. Heating and cooling functions use the Night Setback
Setpoints. To place the unit in Manual Mode scroll through the Unit Modes m enu
tree, locate the AUTO/OFF/MANUAL branch, and select MANUAL. This will place
the unit in the MANUAL m ode.
Auto Mode has four different functions that control the supply fan and unit
operation. They are a tim e clock function, heating and cooling night setbacks,
and a signal from an external source to an auxiliary digital input. To place the unit
in Auto Mode scroll through the Unit Modes m enu tree, locate the AUTO/OFF/
MAN branch, and select AUTO. This will place the unit in the AUTO m ode. This
activates the four Auto m ode functions.
Scheduling Tim e Clock. The prim ary Auto Mode function is the Tim e Clock
Schedule. The Tim e Clock function allows the user to schedule the operational
tim es of the unit. There are four different schedules available: 24 hour continuous
operation, daily, holiday, and override. The daily schedule can be program m ed
Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units • MUA-SVP01A-EN
Unit Operating Modes
for up to 4 separate On/Off events with any com bination of days. The norm al
schedule sets the typical On/Off tim es for the unit. The holiday schedule can be
program m ed for up to 12 separate On/Off events with any com bination of days.
The holiday schedule sets the Off tim es for holidays and other shutdown periods.
The override schedule can be program m ed for up to 2 separate On/Off events
with any com bination of days. The override schedule sets the On tim es that will
override the holiday schedule. This scheduling system allows the user to
program a diverse array of On/Off operations. An exam ple of a typical schedule
would be to have the unit On Monday through Friday from 6:00 AM to 5:00 PM,
except during the weeks of Thanksgiving and Christm as when the units will be
Off. However they will run each weekday during the Thanksgiving shutdown
from 8:00 AM until noon while a m aintenance crew is in the building. AdaptAire
has no preset operational schedule.
To set the tim e clock function for 24 hour continuous operation scroll through the
m enu tree and locate the SCHEDULES page. Set the 24 Hr Operation to yes. Enter
the Daily section of the m enu and set the Use tab to yes. Finally select the days
for 24 hour operation.
To set the operational tim es of the unit scroll through the SCHEDULES m enu
tree, and locate the desired Daily, Holiday, or Override branch. Enter the days and
tim es for the unit to operate. In the Daily or Override section these tim es should
correspond to the desired "on" tim es for the unit's operation. In the Holiday
section these tim es should correspond to the desired "off" tim es for the unit's
See the CLOCK SET section of this m anual for setting the tim e, date and Daylight
Savings function.
Heating Night Setback. The Heating Night Setback function autom atically cycles
the unit "on" if the room tem perature falls below the Heating Night Setback
tem perature setpoint, and the unit is scheduled to be "off". If the unit is scheduled
to be "off" and the Heating Night Setback function turns the unit "on", the unit will
be cycled "off" once the room air tem perature has risen 2° above the Heating
Night Setback setpoint. The default for this setpoint is 55°F. To change the Heating
Night Setback setpoint scroll through the SETPOINTS m enu tree, locate the
Heating Night Setback setpoint and enter a new tem perature. The allowable
tem perature range is 40°F - 80°F.
Cooling Night Setback. The Cooling Night Setback function autom atically cycles
the unit "on" if the room tem perature rises above the Cooling Night Setback
tem perature setpoint and the unit is scheduled to be "off". If the unit is scheduled
to be "off" and the Cooling Night Setback function turns the unit "on", the unit will
be cycled off once the room air tem perature has fallen 2° below the Cooling
Night Setback setpoint. This function toggles digital output DO1. The default for
this setpoint is 100°F. To change the Cooling Night Setback setpoint scroll through
the SETPOINTS m enu tree, locate the Cooling Night Setback setpoint and enter a
new tem perature. The allowable tem perature range is 75°F - 125°F.
Auxiliary Unit Enable. The Auxiliary Unit Enable function overrides all other
Auto Mode functions and autom atically cycles the unit into operation. This
MUA-SVP01A-EN • Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units
Unit Operating Modes
function is activated whenever a contact is closed between the appropriate
term inals on the unit's term inal strip located in the unit's m ain control panel.
Heating and cooling functions use the Night Setback Setpoints. See the Typical
Wiring Schem atic and Multiplexed Input sections of this m anual for m ore
inform ation. This function can be used with a twist tim er, toggle switch, door
switch, exhaust fan interlock, or any other dry contact to override the tim e clock
Heating/ Ventilating/ Cooling Operating Modes
The AdaptAire DDC controller autom atically switches between the heating,
ventilating and cooling m odes of operation.
Heating Mode
Heating Mode allows the burner to operate as needed and is activated whenever
the room tem perature is 2° below the heating setpoint.
General Burner Control
In the Heating Mode the burner will m odulate to m aintain a constant
tem perature. To change the desired heating discharge or room tem perature of an
MDT or MRT control system , rotate the tem perature setpoint knob on the rem ote
panel clockwise to the desired tem perature.
To change the desired heating room tem perature of an MRT-Pro control system ,
depress the Warm er button to increase the desired room tem perature setpoint or
depress the Cooler button to decrease the desired room tem perature setpoint.
Each push of a button changes the tem perature setpoint by 1°F. The setpoint can
be changed a m axim um of ±10°F from the default of 72°F.
To change the desired heating room tem perature of an MRT-Expert control
system , scroll through the SETPOINTS m enu tree using the BACview, locate the
Occupied Heating Setpoint, and enter a new tem perature. The allowable
tem perature range is 55°F - 90°F. The burner will m odulate using a PID loop to
m aintain this tem perature.
Additionally, on all controls system s except the MDT the control system
m odulates the burner to m aintain the supply air tem perature within a defined
operating window. This window defines the m axim um and m inim um discharge
tem peratures.
To change the desired m inim um supply or discharge air tem perature scroll
through the SETPOINTS m enu tree, locate the HTG MIN DA Setpoint, and enter a
new tem perature. This tem perature m ust not be greater than the HTG MAX DA
Setpoint. The allowable tem perature range is 40°F - 130°F. This sets the lowest
discharge air tem perature that will leave the unit.
To change the desired m axim um supply or discharge air tem perature scroll
through the SETPOINTS m enu tree, locate the HTG MAX DA Setpoint, and enter
a new tem perature. This tem perature m ust not be less than the HTG MIN DA
Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units • MUA-SVP01A-EN
Unit Operating Modes
Setpoint. The allowable tem perature range is 55°F - 130°F. This sets the highest
discharge air tem perature that will leave the unit.
If the m axim um and m inim um discharge tem perature setpoints are set for the
sam e tem perature, the supply air tem perature will be the sam e as the setpoint
regardless of the room tem perature setpoint or actual room tem perature.
Recirculating Direct-Fired Heaters. Using different controller software, the
AdaptAire DDC system can accom m odate three distinct types of recirculating
direct-fired units: those that return air before the burner and em ploy a special
airflow station, those that return air before the burner and do not em ploy a
special airflow station, and those that recirculate air after the burner.
Recirculating direct-fired units, like all direct-fired units, deliver all of their
products of com bustion directly to the heated air space. For this reason it is
extrem ely im portant that the proper ventilation rate be m aintained to dilute these
em issions.
AdaptAire units, that recirculate air before the burner and em ploy an airflow
m easuring station, utilize a control schem e that m easures air pressure to
determ ine the ratio of outside air and return air. These units are listed by an
independent third party testing agency and use the equivalent tem perature rise
control schem e to lim it burner m odulation. The AdaptAire system accurately
m easures the ratio of outside and return air, calculates the allowable equivalent
tem perature rise and autom atically lim its the burners firing rate. This insures the
products of com bustion, delivered to the space by the unit, are held at or below
allowable OSHA thresholds. The outside air percentage is the driving param eter
for this function. A greater percentage of outside air or dilution air enables the
unit to generate a higher allowable equivalent tem perature rise.
AdaptAire units that recirculate air before the burner and do not em ploy an
airflow m easuring station utilize a control schem e that m easures dam per
position to determ ine the percentage of return air. These units are not listed by
an independent third party testing agency but do use the equivalent tem perature
rise control schem e to lim it burner m odulation.
AdaptAire units that recirculate air after the burner are physically constrained to
lim it the percentage of return air. These constraints are m eant to provide the
proper dilution air. An independent third party testing agency and do not use the
equivalent tem perature rise control schem e to lim it burner m odulation does not
list these units.
In order of lowest to greatest priority the burner m odulation param eters are:
room tem perature, discharge or supply air tem perature, and equivalent
tem perature rise.
There are three Energy Savings m odes that could disable the burner.
Energy Savings Mode 1—Mixing Box Recirculating Units. Energy Savings Mode
1 will autom atically disable the burner if the m ixed air tem perature is equal to or
greater than the m inim um discharge air tem perature setpoint, and the room air
tem perature is 5°F above the room air tem perature setpoint. This function is
intended to restrain the room tem perature from rising uncontrollably in buildings
MUA-SVP01A-EN • Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units
Unit Operating Modes
with internal heat gain. In certain conditions it m ay be necessary to readjust the
m inim um discharge air or room tem perature setpoint upward or adjust the
outside/return air ratio to provide a warm er supply air tem perature.
Energy Savings Mode 1—Non-Recirculating Units. Energy Savings Mode 1 will
autom atically disable the burner if the outside air tem perature is equal to or
greater than the m inim um discharge air tem perature setpoint, and the room air
tem perature is 5°F above the room air tem perature setpoint. This function is
intended to restrain the room tem perature from rising uncontrollably in buildings
with internal heat gain. In certain conditions it m ay be necessary to readjust the
m inim um discharge air or room tem perature setpoint upward or adjust the
outside/return air ratio to provide a warm er supply air tem perature.
Energy Savings Mode 2—Mixing Box Recirculating Direct-Fired Units. Energy
Savings Mode 2 will autom atically disable the burner if the burner's m inim um
firing rate exceeds the allowable equivalent tem perature rise. This condition is
unlikely to occur unless the burner's m inim um firing rate is m isadjusted and set
too high, or the inlet air opening is restricted.
Energy Savings Mode 3. Energy Savings Mode 3 will autom atically disable the
burner if the outside air tem perature is above the Outside Air Econom izer
setpoint. This function is sim ilar to an inlet duct therm ostat. The burner will cycle
back on if the supply air tem perature drops 3°F below the Outside Air Econom izer
To change the desired outside air econom izer tem perature scroll through the
SETPOINTS m enu tree, locate the ECONOMIZER Setpoint, and enter a new
tem perature. The default for this setpoint is 65°F. The allowable tem perature
range is 40°F - 80°F.
Ventilation Mode
Ventilation Mode occurs when the fan is running but the unit is not providing
heating or cooling.
On an MDT control system the heating m ode is activated when the rem ote
tem perature setpoint knob is turned to start the unit. See Energy Savings Modes
for m ore inform ation.
On all other system s the ventilation m ode is dependant on the room
tem perature. The heating/ventilation/cooling operation is dem onstrated below.
The dotted line in the m iddle of the diagram represents the change between
room tem perature rise and room tem perature fall. Select a point on the heavy
line in the diagram to determ ine the m ode of operation.
EXAMPLE: Start at point "A". The unit is in the ventilation m ode and the room
tem perature is rising. Follow the dashed line upward. If the room tem perature
rises to a tem perature that is 2°F over the cooling setpoint, the cooling will be
enabled, and the unit will be in the cooling m ode. Follow the solid line clockwise.
Once the room tem perature has fallen to the cooling setpoint, the cooling m ode
will be disabled, and the room will be in the ventilation m ode. Follow the dashed
Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units • MUA-SVP01A-EN
Unit Operating Modes
line downward. If the room tem perature falls to a tem perature that is 2°F below
the heating setpoint, the heating will be enabled, and the unit will be in the
heating m ode. Continue following the solid line in a clockwise direction to the
heating setpoint. Once the room tem perature rises to the heating setpoint, the
heating m ode will be disabled, and the room will be in the ventilation m ode.
Figure 1. Cooling Mode
Cooling mode
+2°F of cooling SP
cooling enable
cooling SP
heating SP
-2°F of heating SP
heating enable
Heating mode
Cooling Mode
Cooling Mode allows the cooling to operate as needed and is activated whenever
the room tem perature is 2° above the cooling setpoint. In the Cooling Mode the
cooling output will cycle to m aintain a constant room tem perature. The cooling
output does not have an anti-cycle delay.
The MDT control system does not support the Cooling Mode.
To change the desired cooling room tem perature of an MRT control system ,
rotate the tem perature setpoint knob on the rem ote panel clockwise to the
desired tem perature. The allowable tem perature range is 55°F - 90°F. The cooling
will be disabled when the room tem perature drops to the Cooling Setpoint.
MUA-SVP01A-EN • Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units
Unit Operating Modes
To change the desired cooling room tem perature of an MRT-Pro control system ,
depress the Warm er button to increase the desired room tem perature setpoint or
depress the Cooler button to decrease the desired room tem perature setpoint.
Each push of a button changes the tem perature setpoint by 1°F. The setpoint can
be changed a m axim um of ±10°F from the default of 72°F.
To change the desired cooling room tem perature of an MRT-Expert control
system , scroll through the SETPOINTS m enu tree using the BACview, locate the
Occupied Cooling Setpoint, and enter a new tem perature. The allowable
tem perature range is 61°F - 96°F. The burner will m odulate using a PID loop to
m aintain this tem perature.
Additionally, on all controls system s except the MDT the control system cycles
the cooling output to m aintain the supply air tem perature within a defined
operating window. This window defines the m axim um and m inim um discharge
tem peratures.
To change the desired m inim um supply or discharge air tem perature scroll
through the SETPOINTS m enu tree, locate the CLG MIN DA Setpoint, and enter a
new tem perature. This tem perature m ust not be greater than the CLG MAX DA
Setpoint. The allowable tem perature range is 55°F - 130°F. This sets the lowest
discharge air tem perature that will leave the unit.
To change the desired m axim um supply or discharge air tem perature scroll
through the SETPOINTS m enu tree, locate the CLG MAX DA Setpoint, and enter a
new tem perature. This tem perature m ust not be less than the CLG MIN DA
Setpoint. The allowable tem perature range is 55°F - 130°F. This sets the highest
discharge air tem perature that will leave the unit.
If the m axim um and m inim um discharge tem perature setpoints are set for the
sam e tem perature, the supply air tem perature will be the sam e as the setpoint
regardless of the room tem perature setpoint or actual room tem perature.
Dam per Control Modes
There are four different m odes that control the unit dam per operation: Manual,
Mixed Air Tem perature, Building Pressure, and 100% Outside Air. Except for the
100% Outside Air m ode, these operating m odes are selected through the m enu
tree of the local user interface or PC. Not all dam per m odes are available on all
Manual Mode
Manual Mode is the default dam per operational m ode. This will set the outside
air dam per to a fixed position.
MDT and MRT Controls. To place the dam per operation in Manual Mode on an
MDT or MRT control system be sure the appropriate term inals in the unit control
panel are not shorted. See the Typical Wiring Schem atic and Multiplexed Input
sections of this m anual for m ore inform ation. Rotate the dam per control knob on
the rem ote panel to the desired percentage of outside air. If the unit served by
this control is a direct-fired heater, that recirculates air before the burner, and is
Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units • MUA-SVP01A-EN
Unit Operating Modes
operating in the heating m ode, the unit will autom atically keep the m inim um
outside air at 20%. If the outside air drops below 20%, the burner will cycle off.
See Minim um Ventilation.
MRT-Pro Controls. To change the dam per m ode on an MRT-Pro control system
requires the use of a BACview or PC. See the section related to the MRT Expert
for instructions on how to use the BACview for program m ing.
MRT-Expert Control. To place the dam per operation in Manual Mode scroll
through the m enu tree, locate the Dam per Mode branch and select Manual Pos.
Next, scroll through the m enu tree, locate the Setpoints branch, select Man Vent
SP, and enter the desired dam per position. The allowable range is 0% to 100%. If
the unit served by this control is a direct-fired heater, that recirculates air before
the burner, and is operating in the heating m ode, the unit will autom atically keep
the m inim um outside air at 20%. If the outside air drops below 20%, the burner
will cycle off. See Minim um Ventilation.
Mixed Air Tem perature Mode
The Mixed Air Tem perature m ode varies the percentages of outside air and
return air to m aintain a constant m ixed air tem perature. The AdaptAire controller
com putes the m ixed air tem perature using the outside air and return air
tem peratures and the ratio of their respective airflows.
MDT and MRT Controls. To place the dam per operation in Mixed Air
Tem perature Mode on an MDT or MRT control system be sure the appropriate
term inals in the unit control panel are shorted. See the Typical Wiring Schem atic
and Multiplexed Input sections of this m anual for m ore inform ation. Rotate the
dam per control knob on the rem ote panel to the desired m ixed air tem perature. If
the unit served by this control is a direct-fired heater, that recirculates air before
the burner, and is operating in the heating m ode, the unit will autom atically keep
the m inim um outside air at 20%. If the outside air drops below 20%, the burner
will cycle off. See Minim um Ventilation.
MRT-Pro Controls. To change the dam per m ode on an MRT-Pro control system
requires the use of a BACview or PC. See the section related to the MRT Expert
for instructions on how to use the BACview for program m ing.
MRT-Expert Control. To place the dam per operation in Mixed Air Tem perature
Mode scroll through the m enu tree, locate the Dam per Mode branch and select
MA Tem p Ctrl. Next, scroll through the m enu tree, locate the Setpoints branch,
select Mixed Air, and enter the desired tem perature. The allowable range is 30°F -
80°F. If the unit served by this control is a direct-fired heater, that recirculates air
before the burner, and is operating in the heating m ode, the unit will
autom atically keep the m inim um outside air at 20%. If the outside air drops
below 20%, the burner will cycle off. Se e Min im u m Ve n t ila t io n .
MUA-SVP01A-EN • Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units
Unit Operating Modes
Building Pressure Mode
The Building Pressure m ode varies the percentages of outside air and return air
to m aintain a constant pressure within the space. A pressure transducer
com pares the pressure outside the space to the pressure inside the space and
transm its a corresponding signal to the AdaptAire controller. The controller
com pares this signal to the desired building pressure setpoint and uses a PID
loop to m odulate the outside air and return air dam pers to m aintain the specified
building pressure.
MDT and MRT Controls. The MDT and MRT control system s do not support
building pressure control m ode.
MRT-Pro Controls. To change the dam per m ode on an MRT-Pro control system
requires the use of a BACview or PC. See the section related to the MRT Expert
for instructions on how to use the BACview for program m ing.
MRT-Expert Control. To place the dam per operation in Building Pressure Mode
scroll through the m enu tree, locate the Dam per Mode branch and select Bldg Prs
Ctrl. Next, scroll through the m enu tree, locate the Setpoints branch, select Bldg
Prs, and enter the desired pressure. The allowable range is -0.05"wc to +0.05"wc.
If the unit served by this control is a direct-fired heater, that recirculates air before
the burner, and is operating in the heating m ode, the unit will autom atically keep
the m inim um outside air at 20%. If the outside air drops below 20%, the burner
will cycle off. Se e Min im u m Ve n t ila t io n .
Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units • MUA-SVP01A-EN
100% Outside Air
The 100% Outside Air function autom atically opens the outside air dam pers and
closes the return air dam pers. This function is activated whenever a contact is
closed between the appropriate term inals on the unit's term inal strip located in
the unit's m ain control panel. See the Typical Wiring Schem atic and Multiplexed
Input sections of this m anual for m ore inform ation. The 100% Outside Air
function overrides all other dam per control functions. See User Configured PID
Control for use with non-recirculating units.
Minim um Ventilation
To change the Minim um Ventilation requires the use of a BACview or PC. The
Minim um Ventilation function defines the m inim um outside air percentage and
autom atically prevents the dam pers from m odulating below this point. This
function can be used in heating or cooling m ode. If the unit served by this control
is a direct-fired heater, that recirculates air before the burner, and is operating in
the heating m ode, the unit will autom atically keep the m inim um outside air at
20%. If the outside air drops below 20%, the burner will cycle off. To specify the
Minim um Ventilation scroll through the m enu tree, locate the Setpoints branch
and select Min Vent, and enter the desired outside air percentage. The allowable
range is 0% - 100% outside air.
To change the Minim um Ventilation requires the use of a BACview or PC. The
Freezestat function autom atically cycles the unit off if the supply air tem perature
drops below the Freezestat setpoint for 3 continuous m inutes. There is an initial
8-m inute delay prior activation on recirculating units, and an initial 6-m inute
delay on non-recirculating units. The Freezestat function prevents the unit from
starting. The default for this setpoint is 45°F. To change the Freezestat setpoint
scroll through the m enu tree, locate the Setpoints branch, select Freezestat SP,
and enter a new tem perature. The allowable tem perature range is 35°F - 50°F.
Clogged Filter
An optional clogged filter switch is required for this function. The Clogged Filter
function autom atically notifies the user of a dirty filter condition. A Clogged Filter
indication will appear on the rem ote panel or local user interface. This function is
activated whenever a contact is closed between the appropriate term inals on the
unit's term inal strip located in the unit's m ain control panel. See the Typical
Wiring Schem atic and Multiplexed Input sections of this m anual for m ore
inform ation.
MUA-SVP01A-EN • Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units
User Configured PID Control
This function is applicable to non-recirculating units only. The User Configured
PID Control function allows the user to control an analog output based on a user
defined analog input and setpoint. See the Typical Wiring and Unit Controller
Specification sections of this m anual for m ore inform ation regarding the inputs
and outputs. This function also allows the user to select the PID type (direct or
reverse acting) and establish upper and lower control lim its. Five keypad entries
define the operational param eters. These param eters are: User Control Setpoint,
Minim um User Setpoint, Maxim um User Setpoint, Low Input Value, and High
Input Value. The low and high input values describe the input transducer range.
The control setpoint is the prim ary operational param eter while the m inim um
and m axim um setpoints describe the extents of the desired operating range and
provide secondary control as described below. The allowable range for all of
these param eters is -9999.99 - +99999.99.
The analog input and output are polarity sensitive and can be configured for
different types of inputs. See the Typical Wiring and Unit Controller Specification
sections of this m anual for m ore inform ation regarding the inputs and outputs.
The analog input m ust be connected to IN-1. This input m ust be configured for
either of two different types of input signals:
0-5Vdc: The output im pedance m ust not exceed 10K?. The input im pedance
of the controller is 1M?. This input is polarity sensitive. Be sure the
connections from the source are correctly polarized at the controller.
Therm istor: Precon type 2 (10k ohm at 77°F) Input voltages should range
between 0.489V and 3.825V. See the wiring diagram s for recirculating m odel
units for typical connections of transducers.
The IN-1 configuration jum pers on the controller m ust be set for the
appropriate input signal.
A c o n t a c t c lo s u re b e t w e e n t h e a p p ro p ria t e t e rm in a ls o n t h e u n it ' s
t e rm in a l s t rip lo c a t e d in t h e u n it ' s m a in c o n t ro l p a n e l w ill d rive t h e
o u t p u t t o 10 0 % . See the Typical Wiring Schem atic and Multiplexed Input
sections of this m anual for m ore inform ation.
The controller output is m odulated by a PID loop from 0% to 100% based on the
User Control setpoint and the input signal. As the input signal increases the
output voltage increases. Additionally, a secondary control acts to override the
PID loop to scale the output as follows.
If the input variable equals the User Control setpoint, the output will be
determ ined by the PID loop. In this situation the override has no effect on the
output value.
If the input variable is above the User Control setpoint, the output could increase
from 0% to 100% as the input variable increases from the User Control setpoint
Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units • MUA-SVP01A-EN
to the Max User setpoint. In this situation the output value is the greater of the
PID output or the override output.
If the input variable is below the User Control setpoint, the output could decrease
from 100% to 0% as the input variable decreases from the User Control setpoint
to the Min User setpoint. In this situation the output value is the lesser of the PID
utput or the override output. See the following exam ple.
Assum e the user wishes to control a chilled water valve using a tem perature
transducer. The control variable will be supply air tem perature. As the supply air
tem perature increases, the chilled water valve should open to lower the
tem perature. The tem perature transducer has a range of 50ºF - 85ºF. The user
would like the supply air tem perature to be 75ºF but does not want it to drop
below 70ºF or go above 80ºF. The param eters entered on the keypad display will
Direct (as input increases
PID Select
High Input Val
Low Input Val
User Ctrl SP
Max User SP
Min User SP
output increases)
The tem perature transducer senses the supply air tem perature and sends a
corresponding signal to the AdaptAire controller. The controller com pares this
signal to the desired user control setpoint (75ºF) and uses the PID loop to
m odulate the output from 0-100% (0-10Vdc). The output is connected to the
chilled water valve that opens or closes to m aintain the specified supply air
tem perature.
If the supply air tem perature is 75ºF, the output from the controller will be
determ ined by the PID control sequence, and the override will have no effect on
the output.
If the supply air tem perature is m ore than 75ºF, the output from the controller will
be determ ined by the PID control sequence or the override whichever is less.
If the supply air tem perature is less than 75ºF, the output from the controller will
be determ ined by the PID control sequence or the override whichever is m ore.
MUA-SVP01A-EN • Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units
Figure 2. Direct acting
Max User SP
User Ctrl SP
75ºF PID 0-100%
Min User SP
The controller output AO-1 is m odulated by a PID loop from 0% to 100% based on
the User Control setpoint and the input signal to IN-9. As the input signal
increases the output voltage decreases. Additionally, a secondary control acts to
override the PID loop to scale the output as follows.
If the input variable equals the User Control setpoint, the output will be
determ ined by the PID loop. In this situation the override has no effect on the
output value.
If the input variable is above the User Control setpoint, the output could decrease
from 100% to 0% as the input variable increases from the User Control setpoint
to the Max User setpoint. In this situation the output value is the lesser of the PID
output or the override output.
If the input variable is below the User Control setpoint, the output could increase
from 0% to 100% as the input variable decreases from the User Control setpoint
to the Min User setpoint. In this situation the output value is the greater of the
PID output or the override output. See the following exam ple.
Assum e the user wishes to control the fan speed using a variable frequency drive
(VFD). The VFD input is 0-10Vdc. The control variable will be building pressure.
As the building pressure increases, the fan speed should decrease. The building
pressure transducer has a range of -0.1" to +0.1". The user would like the building
Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units • MUA-SVP01A-EN
pressure to be+0.03" but does not want it to drop below 0.0" or go above +0.05".
The param eters entered on the keypad display will be:
PID Select
High Input Val
Low Input Val
User Ctrl SP
Max User SP
Min User SP
Reverse (as input increases output decreases)
The pressure transducer com pares the pressure outside the space to the
pressure inside the space and transm its a corresponding signal to the AdaptAire
controller. The controller com pares this signal to the desired user control
setpoint (0.03") and uses the PID loop to m odulate the output from 0-100% (0-
10Vdc). The output is connected to the VFD that changes speed to m aintain the
specified building pressure.
If the building pressure is 0.03", the output from the controller will be determ ined
by the PID control sequence, and the override will have no effect on the output.
If the building pressure is m ore than 0.03", the output from the controller will be
determ ined by the PID control sequence or the override whichever is less.
If the building pressure is less than 0.03", the output from the controller will be
determ ined by the PID control sequence or the override whichever is m ore.
Figure 3. Reverse acting
Max User SP
Input > .03”?
User Ctrl SP
.03” PID 0-100%
Input < .03”?
Min User SP
MUA-SVP01A-EN • Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units
Unit Resets
This section should assist the user in resetting alarm s and cycle counters which
have been displayed on the BACview.
ALARM. To reset an alarm scroll through the m enu tree, locate the Unit Resets
branch and select Alarm . Press the Enter key. The word OFF should flash. Now
press the INC key and the word ON should flash on the display. Press the Enter
key again and ON should stop flashing. Repeat this process so the word OFF is
displayed and not flashing. The alarm has now been cleared and the Alarm RS
function has been rearm ed.
CALIBRATE. The Calibrate function forces the controller to recalibrate the return
air flow station. The recalibration will occur im m ediately if the fan is running or at
the next fan start. To recalibrate scroll through the m enu tree, locate the Unit
Resets branch and select Calibrate. Press the Enter key. The word OFF should
flash. Now press the INC key and the word ON should flash on the display. Press
the Enter key again and ON should stop flashing. Repeat this process so the word
OFF is displayed and not flashing. The calibration has now been initiated and the
Calibration function has been rearm ed.
FAN COUNT. Fan Count records each fan start. To reset a fan count scroll through
the m enu tree, locate the Unit Resets branch and select Fan Count. Press the
Enter key. The word OFF should flash. Now press the INC key and the word ON
should flash on the display. Press the Enter key again and ON should stop
flashing. Repeat this process so the word OFF is displayed and not flashing. The
fan count has now been cleared and the Fan Count function has been rearm ed.
HEATING COUNT. Heating Count records each burner start. To reset a heating
count scroll through the m enu tree, locate the Unit Resets branch and select
Heating Count. Press the Enter key. The word OFF should flash. Now press the
INC key and the word ON should flash on the display. Press the Enter key again
and ON should stop flashing. Repeat this process so the word OFF is displayed
and not flashing. The heating count has now been cleared and the Heating Count
function has been rearm ed.
COOLING COUNT. Cooling Count records each cooling start. To reset a cooling
count scroll through the m enu tree, locate the Unit Resets branch and select
Cooling Count. Press the Enter key. The word OFF should flash. Now press the
INC key and the word ON should flash on the display. Press the Enter key again
and ON should stop flashing. Repeat this process so the word OFF is displayed
and not flashing. The cooling count has now been cleared and the Cooling Count
function has been rearm ed.
Multiplexed Inputs
DDC controllers are designed with a finite num ber of inputs and outputs.
Multiplexing expands the functionality of the controller by allowing m ultiple
devices to effectively share the sam e input. This is usually accom plished by
connecting resistors, either in a series or parallel configuration, to an analog
Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units • MUA-SVP01A-EN
input. A switch is used in conjunction with each resistor. When a switch is closed,
the resistance at the controller input changes. This allows the controller to
identify which switch has closed. The controller is program m ed to associate each
different resistance with a specific function. For exam ple when the optional
clogged filter switch is closed between the appropriate term inals on the unit's
term inal strip located in the unit's m ain control panel, this tells the controller that
the filters are clogged, and it notifies the user through the local user interface.
See the Typical Wiring Schem atic section of this m anual for m ore inform ation.
Clock Set
The Clock Set function is used to set the current tim e and date as well as enabling
Daylight Saving Tim e. To set the clock scroll through the m enu tree, locate the
Clockset branch, select Date, and enter a new date and tim e. Select DST to enable
Daylight Saving Tim e. Daylight Saving Tim e is the default. If the unit is installed
in the southern hem isphere, Sou Hem m ust be enabled. The default is not Sou
Hem . For you convenience Daylight Saving Tim e has been preprogram m ed for
the next several years. To reset the starting and ending DST dates scroll through
the DST m enu tree, locate the desired year, and enter a new date.
MUA-SVP01A-EN • Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units
Critical Fault Codes
This section should assist the user in troubleshooting critical fault codes
m essages that have been displayed on the local user interface. These faults
require the operator to correct the condition and reset the alarm before norm al
unit operation resum es.
FAULT CODE: Low Discharge Tem perature
PROBLEM: The controller has detected a low tem perature at the fan
outlet and has shut off the unit. See Freezestat section of this m anual.
SOLUTION: If burner was operating prior to shutdown (check prior alarm log)
1. Is the outside air (OA Tem p) or room air (Room Tem p) displayed on the
BACview rem ote, reading 150°F or m ore?
Ye s . That sensor circuit or the sensor itself is shorted. Unplug the input
jack from the AdaptAire controller. Did the display change to -40°F or less?
No. There is a short in the controller input. Replace the controller.
Yes. Disconnect the sensor wiring at the sensor. Connect an ohm m eter
to the sensor. If it is shorted replace the sensor. At 77°F the resistance
should be 10K?. See therm istor output curve for other tem peratures. If
it is not shorted, there is a short in the wiring between the sensor and
the input plug. Determ ine cause and rectify. Refer to Appendix II for a
typical 10K? therm istor output curve.
No . Continue.
2. Is the discharge air tem perature (DA Tem p), displayed on the BACview
rem ote, reading -40°F or less?
Ye s . That sensor circuit or the sensor itself is open. J um per the input for
the sensor. Did the display change to 150°F or m ore?
No. There is an open in the controller input. Replace the controller.
Yes. Disconnect the sensor wiring at the sensor. Connect an ohm m eter
to the sensor. If it is open replace the sensor. At 77°F the resistance
should be 10K?. See therm istor output curve for other tem peratures. If
it is not open, there is a break in the wiring between the sensor and the
input plug. Determ ine cause and rectify.
No . Continue
3. Reset the alarm . Check and note the DC voltage at output for the gas valve
m odulation. Set the Heating Setpoint for 90°F. Set the MAX DAT and MIN DAT
Setpoints for 130°F. Did the Burner VDC, displayed on the BACview rem ote,
No . Unless the outside air tem perature is extrem ely warm the Burner VDC
should have increased to 7.5VDC or m ore. Close the m anual m ain gas
MUA-SVP01A-EN • Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units
valve closest to the burner and m easure the discharge air tem perature. Is
it less than 130°F?
Yes. There is a problem with the controller program or controller itself.
Contact the factory.
No. The outside air tem perature is too hot to determ ine the actual
cause of the problem . Reset the alarm and recheck when the outside air
tem perature is m uch cooler.
Ye s . This signal is fed to the gas valve m odulation signal conditioner.
Disconnect the wires from input signal term inals on the signal conditioner
and m easure the voltage on the wires. Is it the sam e as the voltage
com ing from the controller?
No. There is an open in the wiring from the controller output. Correct
wiring and reconnect the wires to the term inals on the signal
conditioner. Be sure the ground wire from the controller output
term inal is connected to the signal conditioner's negative term inal.
Yes. Continue.
4. Is there 24VAC on the signal conditioner power term inals?
No . Determ ine cause and rectify.
Ye s . Continue.
5. Is there twice the DC voltage on the signal conditioner's output term inals as
there is on the signal conditioner's input term inals?
No . Replace the signal conditioner.
Ye s . Continue.
6. Is the DC voltage on the m odulating valve term inals the sam e as the DC
voltage on the signal conditioner's output term inals?
No . There is a break in the wiring between the signal conditioner and the
m odulating valve term inals. Determ ine cause and rectify.
Ye s . The electronics are working to this point. Continue.
7. Is there sufficient tem perature rise for the am ount of outside air that is being
delivered to the space?
No . Follow the instructions in this m anual for placing the unit in Manual
dam per control m ode. Adjust the Man. Vent setpoint to 20% outside air. Is
there sufficient tem perature rise for the am ount of outside air that is being
delivered to the space?
No. Contact the factory.
Yes. Continue.
Ye s . Continue.
8. Verify there is sufficient inlet gas pressure. Verify the m odulating valve is
properly adjusted. Verify the burner orifices are clear of obstruction. Contact
the factory.
MUA-SVP01A-EN • Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units
SOLUTION: If burner was not operating prior to shutdow n (check prior
alarm log)
1. Is there a prior alarm such as Safety Ckt., Airflow Sw., or Flam e Failure?
Ye s . See the Diagnostic section for the previous alarm .
No . Continue.
2. Is the room air (Room Tem p) displayed on the BACview rem ote, reading
150°F or m ore?
Ye s . The sensor circuit or the sensor itself is shorted. Unplug the input
jack from the AdaptAire controller. Did the display change to -40°F or less?
No. There is a short in the controller input. Replace the controller.
Yes. Disconnect the sensor wiring at the sensor. Connect an ohm m eter
to the sensor. If it is shorted replace the sensor. At 70°F the resistance
should be 10K?. See therm istor output curve for other tem peratures. If
it is not shorted, there is a short in the wiring between the sensor and
the input plug. Determ ine cause and rectify. Refer to Appendix II for a
typical 10K? therm istor output curve.
No . Continue.
3. Is the discharge air tem perature (DA Tem pt), displayed on the BACview
rem ote, reading -40°F or less?
Ye s . The discharge air tem perature sensor circuit or the sensor itself is
open. J um per the input for the sensor. Did the display change to 150°F or
m ore?
No. There is an open in the controller input. Replace the controller.
Yes. Disconnect the discharge air tem perature sensor wiring at the
sensor. Connect an ohm m eter to the sensor. If it is open replace the
sensor. At 70°F the resistance should be 10K?. See therm istor output
curve for other tem peratures. If it is not open, there is a break in the
wiring between the sensor and the input plug. Determ ine cause and
No . Continue
4. Reset the alarm . Check and note the DC voltage at controller's analog output
for the heating signal. Set the Heating Setpoint for 90°F. Set the HTG MAX DA
and HTG MIN DA Setpoints for 130°F. Did the Burner VDC, displayed on the
BACview rem ote, increase?
No . Unless the outside air tem perature is extrem ely warm the Burner VDC
should have increased to 7.5VDC or m ore. Close the m anual m ain gas
valve closest to the burner and m easure the discharge air tem perature. Is
it less than 130°F?
Yes. There is a problem with the controller program or controller itself.
Contact the factory.
No. The outside air tem perature is too hot to determ ine the actual
cause of the problem . Reset the alarm and recheck when the outside air
tem perature is m uch cooler.
Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units • MUA-SVP01A-EN
Ye s . This signal is fed to the signal conditioner. Disconnect the wires from
the signal conditioner's input signal term inals and m easure the voltage on
the wires. Is it the sam e as the voltage com ing from the controller?
No. There is an open in the wiring from the controller output. Correct
wiring and reconnect the wires to the term inals on the signal
conditioner. Be sure the wire from the controller's ground term inal is
connected to the signal conditioner's ground term inal.
Yes. Continue.
5. Is there 24VAC on the signal conditioner power term inals?
No . Determ ine cause and rectify.
Ye s . Continue.
6. Is there twice the DC voltage on the signal conditioner's output term inals as
there is on the signal conditioner's input term inals?
No . Replace the signal conditioner.
Ye s . Continue.
7. Is the DC voltage on the m odulating valve term inals the sam e as the DC
voltage on the signal conditioner's output term inals?
No . There is a break in the wiring between the signal conditioner and the
m odulating valve term inals. Determ ine cause and rectify.
Ye s . The electronics are working to this point. Continue.
8. Is there sufficient tem perature rise for the am ount of outside air that is being
delivered to the space?
No . Follow the instructions in this m anual for placing the unit in Manual
dam per control m ode. Adjust the Man. Vent setpoint to 20% outside air. Is
there sufficient tem perature rise for the am ount of outside air that is being
delivered to the space?
No. Contact the factory.
Yes. Continue.
Ye s . Continue.
9. Verify there is sufficient inlet gas pressure. Verify the m odulating valve is
properly adjusted. Verify the burner orifices are clear of obstruction. Contact
the factory.
FAULT CODE: Safety Circuit Open
PROBLEM:The controller has detected a failure in the safety circuit.
SOLUTION: If fan is not running (check prior alarm log)
1. Is there a prior alarm such as Unit On/Fan Off or Airflow Sw?
Ye s . See the Diagnostic section for the previous alarm .
No . Continue.
2. Set Unit Mode to Manual. Did fan start?
MUA-SVP01A-EN • Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units
No . See the Diagnostic section for Unit On/Fan Off.
Ye s . Continue.
SOLUTION:If fan is running (check prior alarm log)
1. Is the high tem perature lim it tripped?
Ye s . Determ ine cause and rectify.
No . Continue.
2. Is the low gas pressure switch closed?
No . Verify the inlet gas pressure is as specified on the gas piping diagram .
The low gas pressure switch setpoint should not be adjusted. The inlet gas
pressure m ust rem ain as specified when unit fires at full input. Correct gas
pressure and reset switch. If the switch cannot be reset, replace it. See
Installation, Operation and Owners Manual for m ore inform ation.
Ye s . Continue.
3. Is the high gas pressure switch closed?
No . Verify the firing rate pressure at full input is as specified on the unit
rating plate. The high gas pressure switch setpoint should not be adjusted.
The firing rate pressure m ust rem ain as specified when unit fires at full
input. Correct gas pressure and reset switch. If the switch cannot be reset,
replace it. See Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual for m ore
inform ation.
Ye s . Continue.
4. Is the safety circuit relay energized?
No . Check for loose wiring and rectify.
Ye s . Continue.
5. Is the safety circuit relay's norm ally open contact closed?
No . Replace the relay.
Ye s . Continue.
6. Is there continuity at the controller between the safety status term inals?
No . There is an open in the wiring between these term inals. Determ ine
cause and rectify.
Ye s . Replace controller.
FAULT CODE:Burner Status
PROBLEM: The controller has activated the burner enable output, but the
burner status input is not receiving a signal that the burner is on.
SOLUTION:Inspect burner control circuit and burner
1. Is there a prior alarm such as Unit On/Fan Off, Airflow Sw., or Safety Circuit?
Ye s . See the Diagnostic section for the previous alarm .
Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units • MUA-SVP01A-EN
No . Continue.
2. Is the burner enable relay energized?
No . There is an open in the 24VAC circuit. Determ ine cause and rectify.
Ye s . Continue.
3. Is the burner enable relay's norm ally open contact closed?
No . Replace relay.
Ye s . Continue.
4. Is there a pilot flam e present?
No . Refer to the Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual for
guidance in troubleshooting the flam e relay or ignition m odule.
Ye s . Continue.
5. Is the flam e relay or ignition m odule m ain valve term inal energized?
No . Refer to the Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual for
guidance in troubleshooting the flam e relay or ignition m odule.
Ye s . Continue.
6. Is the gas valve/burner status relay energized?
No . There is an open in the m ain valve control circuit. Determ ine cause
and rectify.
Ye s . Continue.
7. Is the gas valve/burner status relay's norm ally open contact closed?
No . Replace relay.
Ye s . Continue.
8. Is there continuity at the controller between the burner status term inals?
No . There is an open in the wiring between these term inals. Determ ine
cause and rectify.
Ye s . Replace controller.
FAULT CODE: Burner Hand
PROBLEM: The controller has not activated the burner enable output, but
the burner status input is receiving a signal that the burner is on.
SOLUTION:Inspect burner control circuit. This fault has the potential to
be a very serious problem . Close the m anual gas valves im m ediately if
the fan is not running.
1. Is the controller's burner enable output LED lit?
Ye s . Close m anual gas valves. There is a problem with the controller
program . Contact factory.
No . Continue.
MUA-SVP01A-EN • Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units
2. Are the m ain autom atic gas shutoff valves energized?
No . The m ain autom atic gas shutoff valves are leaking. Turn off unit and
close m anual gas valves. Determ ine cause of valve failure and rectify.
Ye s . Continue.
3. Is the flam e relay energized?
No . There is a short in the wiring of the gas valves. Close m anual gas
valves. Determ ine cause of short and rectify.
Ye s . Continue.
4. Is the burner enable relay energized?
Ye s . There is a short in the wiring of the flam e relay. Close m anual gas
valves. Determ ine cause of short and rectify.
No . Continue.
5. Is the burner enable relay's norm ally open contact closed?
Ye s . Close m anual gas valves. Replace the relay.
No . Continue.
6. Unplug the input term inals from the input jack. Is there continuity at the
controller between the burner status term inals?
No . Close m anual gas valves. There is a short in the wiring between the
burner status relay and the burner status term inals. Determ ine cause and
Ye s . Close m anual gas valves. Replace the controller.
FAULT CODE: Flam e Failure
Note: This fault code is not applicable to all unit types.
PROBLEM:The controller has received a signal from the flam e relay
indicating a flam e failure.
SOLUTION:Investigate flam e relay
1. Is there a prior alarm such as Unit On/Fan Off, Airflow Sw., or Safety Circuit?
Ye s . See the Diagnostic section for the previous alarm .
No . Continue.
2. See flam e relay troubleshooting inform ation in unit Installation, Operation,
and Maintenance Manual.
Diagnostics - Non-Critical Fault Codes
This section should assist the user in troubleshooting non-critical fault code
m essages that have been displayed on the local user interface. Most of these
faults are autom atically reset once the fault is corrected or condition changes.
Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units • MUA-SVP01A-EN
FAULT CODE: Unit off/ Fan on
PROBLEM: The controller has not activated the unit enable output to start the
fan, but the fan status input, is receiving a signal that the fan is running. This fault
will autom atically clear about 15 seconds after the fault is corrected.
SOLUTION: If fan is running
1. Is controller unit enable output LED for lit?
Ye s . There is a problem with the controller program . Call factory.
No . Continue.
2. Is controller output contact for the unit enable output closed?
Ye s . Turn off the power to the controller and recheck. If contact is still
closed the controller output is shorted. Replace the controller.
No . Continue.
3. Is the unit enable relay energized?
Ye s . There is a short or jum per in the wiring. Determ ine cause and rectify.
No . Continue.
4. Is m otor starter energized?
Ye s . There is a short or jum per in the wiring. Determ ine cause and rectify.
No . Continue.
5. Is the fan status relay energized?
Ye s . There is a short or jum per in the wiring. Determ ine cause and rectify.
No . Continue.
6. Is the fan status relay's norm ally open contact, closed?
Ye s . Replace relay.
No . Continue.
7. Is there continuity between at the controller between the fan status
term inals?
Ye s . There is a short in the wiring between these term inals. Determ ine
cause and rectify.
No . Replace controller.
SOLUTION: If fan is not running
1. Is the fan status relay's norm ally open contact, closed?
Ye s . Replace relay.
No . Continue.
2. Is there approxim ately 5VDC at both controller term inals used for the fan
MUA-SVP01A-EN • Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units
Ye s . There is a short in the wiring between these term inals. Determ ine
cause and rectify.
No . Replace controller.
FAULT CODE:Unit on/ Fan off
PROBLEM:The controller has activated the unit enable output to start the fan, but
the fan status input, is not receiving a signal that the fan is running. This fault will
autom atically clear about 60 seconds after the fault is corrected. Turning the unit
off and then on will clear this fault at any tim e.
SOLUTION:If fan/ m otor is running
1. Is the BACview rem ote indicating an alarm ?
Ye s . Check previous alarm s and continue.
2. Is the m otor starter's norm ally open auxiliary contact, closed?
No . Replace contact.
Ye s . Continue.
3. Are the high and low velocity airflow switch contacts, closed?
No . Are the belts on and is the fan m otor.
Yes. Contact factory. Do not adjust the switches setpoints.
No. Determ ine cause and rectify.
Ye s . Continue.
4. Is the fan status relay energized?
No . There is an open or break in the wiring. Determ ine cause and rectify.
Ye s . Continue.
5. Is the fan status relay's norm ally open auxiliary contact, closed?
No . Replace relay.
Ye s . Continue.
6. Is there continuity at the controller between the fan status term inals?
No . There is an open in the wiring between these term inals. Determ ine
cause and rectify.
Ye s . Replace controller.
SOLUTION: If fan/ m otor is not running
1. Is the BACview rem ote indicating an alarm ?
Ye s . Check previous alarm s and continue.
No . Continue.
2. Is controller output LED for the unit enable output lit?
No . There is a problem with the controller. Replace controller.
Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units • MUA-SVP01A-EN
Ye s . Continue.
3. Is the unit enable relay energized?
No . There is an open in the wiring between these term inals. Determ ine
cause and rectify.
Ye s . Continue.
4. Is the unit enable relay's norm ally open contact, closed?
No . Replace relay.
Ye s . Continue.
5. Is the m otor overload relay tripped?
Ye s . Determ ine cause, rectify and reset.
No . Continue.
6. Is the m otor starter energized?
No . There is an open or break in the wiring. Determ ine cause and rectify.
Ye s . Check m otor and m otor wiring.
FAULT CODE: Check Airflow Sw itches
PROBLEM: The controller has activated the unit enable output to start the fan,
and detected that the fan is running from a signal at the fan status input.
Subsequently, the controller has detected a m om entary opening of the fan status
input. The m om entary opening m ust occur within two seconds of the previous
closure for this fault to occur. This fault requires the operator to correct the
condition and reset the alarm before norm al unit operation resum es.
SOLUTION:If high airflow sw itch is opening. Do not adjust the sw itch
1. Are all of the filters in place?
No . Install filters and continue.
Ye s . Continue.
2. Does the external static pressure m atch that listed on the rating plate?
No . Verify all associated ductwork is installed and continue.
Ye s . Continue.
3. Does the fan RPM m atch that listed on the Spec. Sheet?
No . Correct to reduced fan speed and continue.
Ye s . Continue.
4. Are the airflow switches' sensing tubes obstructed?
Ye s . Clear and continue.
No . Continue.
5. Contact factory.
MUA-SVP01A-EN • Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units
SOLUTION:If low airflow sw itch is opening. Do not adjust the sw itch
1. Does low airflow switch open when the burner is off
No . Disconnect both pressure sensing tubes from one of the airflow
switches and m easure the differential pressure by connecting the high
sensing port of a m anom eter to one of the airflow sensing tubes and the
low sensing port to the other. Is the differential pressure approxim ately
the m idpoint between the high and low airflow switch setpoints?
No. Close the profile opening until the differential pressure is
approxim ately the m idpoint between the high and low airflow switch
setpoints. Reconnect the sensing tubes, restart the burner, and verify
the airflow switch rem ains closed when the burner is at the m axim um
rated input. Continue.
Yes. Continue.
2. Are all of the filters dirty?
Ye s . Install clean filters and continue.
No . Continue.
3. Does the external static pressure m atch that listed on the rating plate?
No . Verify all associated ductwork is installed as designed, and there are
no obstructions. Continue.
Ye s . Continue.
4. Does the fan RPM m atch that listed on the Spec. Sheet?
No . Correct to increased fan speed and continue.
Ye s . Continue.
5. Are the airflow switches' sensing tubes obstructed?
Ye s . Clear and continue.
No . Continue.
6. Contact factory.
FAULT CODE: Clogged Filter Sw itch
PROBLEM: The filter air pressure switch has closed between the appropriate
term inals on the unit's term inal strip located in the unit's m ain control panel
indicating a clogged filter. See the Typical Wiring Schem atic, Multiplexed Input,
and Clogged Filter sections of this m anual for m ore inform ation.
SOLUTION:If clogged filter sw itch is closing.
1. Are the filters dirty?
Ye s . Install clean filters and continue.
No . Continue.
2. Are the airflow switch sensing tubes obstructed?
Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units • MUA-SVP01A-EN
Ye s . Clear and continue.
No . Continue.
3. Is the airflow switch setpoint properly adjusted?
No . Adjust setpoint.
Ye s . Continue.
4. Are the wires connected to the air pressure switch's norm ally open contact?
No . Rewire switch and continue.
Ye s . Continue.
5. Is the air pressure switch's norm ally open contact open?
No . Disconnect the sensing tubes and recheck. Replace the switch if
contacts do not open.
Ye s . Continue.
6. Find the clogged filter switch on the electrical schem atic and identify the
control panel term inals to which it is connected. Disconnect the wire from
these term inals. Does this clear the alarm ?
Ye s . There is short in the wiring between the term inal strip and the switch.
Determ ine cause and rectify.
No . Continue.
7. Unplug the connector from the controller that is connected to the m ultiplexed
input. Does this clear the alarm ?
Ye s . There is short in the wiring of the m ultiplexed resistors. Determ ine
cause and rectify.
No . There is an internal short in the controller. Replace the controller.
FAULT CODE:Energy Save Mode 1
PROBLEM: The controller has turned off the burner enable output because it
determ ined the m ixed air tem perature is equal to or greater than the m inim um
discharge air tem perature setpoint, and the room air tem perature is 5°F above
the room air tem perature setpoint. See the Energy Savings Mode 1 section of this
m anual for m ore inform ation.
SOLUTION:If setpoints are m isadjusted
1. Is the m ixed air tem perature (MA Tem p), displayed on the BACview rem ote,
greater than or equal to the m inim um discharge air tem perature setpoint?
Ye s . Increase the HTG MIN DAT setpoint. See Heating Mode - General
Burner Control section of this m anual for m ore inform ation.
No . Continue.
2. Is the room tem perature m ore than 5°F above the room air tem perature
Ye s . Increase the HTG OCCUPIED setpoint. See Heating Mode - General
Burner Control section of this m anual for m ore inform ation.
MUA-SVP01A-EN • Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units
No . Continue.
SOLUTION:If setpoints are not m isadjusted
1. Is there a prior alarm such as Insufficient OA?
Ye s . See the Diagnostic section for the previous alarm .
No . Continue.
2. Is the discharge air tem perature (DA Tem p), displayed on the BACview
rem ote, reading 150°F or m ore?
Ye s . That sensor circuit or the sensor itself is shorted. Unplug the input
jack from the AdaptAire controller. Did the display change to -40°F or less?
No. There is a short in the controller input. Replace the controller.
Yes. Disconnect the sensor wiring at the sensor. Connect an ohm m eter
to the sensor. If it is shorted replace the sensor. At 70°F the resistance
should be 10K?. See therm istor output curve for other tem peratures. If
it is not shorted, there is a short in the wiring between the sensor and
the input plug. Determ ine cause and rectify. Refer to Appendix II for a
typical 10K? therm istor output curve.
No . Contact factory.
FAULT CODE:Energy Save Mode 2
PROBLEM: The controller has turned off the burner enable output because it
determ ined the burner's m inim um firing rate exceeds the allowable equivalent
tem perature rise. See the Energy Savings Mode 2 section of this m anual for m ore
inform ation.
SOLUTION: If OAT, Room T or DAT are such that heat is required
1. Are the outside air hood filters or bird screen or any associated outside air
ductwork obstructed?
Ye s . Clear obstruction or change filters.
No . Continue.
2. Are the outside air and return air dam pers and actuators working properly?
Ye s . Continue.
No . Make necessary adjustm ents and force the unit to recalibrate. See
Calibrate in the Resets Section of this m anual.
3. If equipped, are the flow m easuring station pitot tubes and pressure tubing
Ye s . Continue.
No . Clean and force the unit to recalibrate. See Calibrate in the Resets
Section of this m anual.
4. Do the dam pers track with a change in the %OA setpoint? The dam pers
utilized on the unit are not linear with respect to airflow and openness, and as
such, the proportion of outside air to dam per m ovem ent will not be exactly
Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units • MUA-SVP01A-EN
equal to the %OA setpoint. However, at 20% OA the dam pers should be at
least ½" open.
Ye s . Continue.
No . Check the dam per m otor and linkage connections. When 24VAC is
powering the dam per actuator and the control signal is 0VDC, the outside
air dam per should be close to a "rattle tight" position and the return air
dam per should be open. If the 24VAC power is rem oved, the actuator will
draw the outside air dam per tightly closed and the return air dam per
tightly open. When 24VAC is powering the dam per actuator and the
control signal is 10VDC, the outside air dam per should be fully open and
the return air dam per should be closed.
5. Is there approxim ately 24VAC at the COM and EXC term inals on the airflow
station pressure transducer?
Ye s . Continue.
No . Is there 120VAC on the prim ary side of the low voltage transform er
and 24VAC volt at the transform er secondary?
Yes. There is an open in the wiring between the transform er and the
transducer. Locate the wiring problem and rectify.
No. If there is 120VAC on the prim ary and 0VAC on the secondary,
replace the transform er. If there is 0VAC on the prim ary, there is an
open in the wiring supplying power to the transform er. Locate the
wiring problem and rectify.
6. Rem ove both of the plastic tubes from the airflow station pressure transducer
and gently blow into the HIGH side port. Caution: The transducer is extrem ely
sensitive. Blowing too hard into the sensing tube m ay dam age the
transducer. Is there approxim ately 5VDC across the COM and OUT term inals
of the pressure transducer?
Ye s . Continue.
No . The pressure transducer is defective. Replace it.
7. Rem ove both of the plastic tubes from the airflow station pressure transducer
and gently blow into the HIGH side port. Caution: The transducer is extrem ely
sensitive. Blowing too hard into the sensing tube m ay dam age the
transducer. Is there approxim ately 5VDC across the controller input term inals
that are connected to the transducer?
Ye s . There is a problem with the controller. Replace it.
No . There is an open in the wiring between these pressure transducer and
the AdaptAire controller term inals. Locate and rectify.
FAULT CODE:Energy Save Mode 3
PROBLEM: The controller has turned off the burner enable output because it
determ ined the inlet air tem perature exceeds the Econom izer setpoint. See the
Energy Savings Mode 3 section of this m anual for m ore inform ation.
MUA-SVP01A-EN • Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units
SOLUTION: If OAT, Room T or DAT are such that heat is required
1. Is the outside air tem perature (OA Tem p), displayed on the BACview rem ote,
reading 150°F or m ore?
Ye s . The outside air sensor circuit or the sensor itself is shorted.
Unplug the input jack from the AdaptAire controller. Did the display
change to -40°F or less?‘
No. There is a short in the controller input. Replace the controller.
Yes. Disconnect the sensor wiring at the sensor. Connect an ohm m eter
to the sensor. If it is shorted replace the sensor. At 70°F the resistance
should be 10K?. See therm istor output curve for other tem peratures. If
it is not shorted, there is a short in the wiring between the sensor and
the input plug. Determ ine cause and rectify. Refer to Appendix II for a
typical 10K? therm istor output curve.
2. Is the outside air sensor in the direct sunlight?
Ye s . Provide shade for the sensor so the direct sun does not affect it.
No . Contact factory.
SOLUTION: If setpoints are m isadjusted
1. Is the Econm zr Setpoint set for 80°F?
Ye s . The outside air tem perature is over 80°F and there should be no need
for heat. If this is not the case, contact factory.
No . Increase the ECONMZR SP setpoint. See Heating Mode - Energy
Savings Mode 3 section of this m anual for m ore inform ation.
FAULT CODE:Insufficient OA
PROBLEM: The controller has turned off the burner enable output because the
percentage of outside air has dropped below 20% for m ore than five m inutes,
and the unit is in the Heating m ode.
SOLUTION:If heat is desired
1. Are the outside air hood filters or bird screen or any associated outside air
ductwork obstructed?
Ye s . Clear obstruction or change filters.
No . Continue.
2. Are the outside air and return air dam pers and actuators working properly?
Ye s . Continue.
No . Make necessary adjustm ents and force the unit to recalibrate. See
Calibrate in the Resets Section of this m anual.
3. Are the flow m easuring station pitot tubes and pressure tubing clear?
Ye s . Continue.
No . Clean and force the unit to recalibrate. See Calibrate in the Resets
Section of this m anual.
Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units • MUA-SVP01A-EN
4. Do the dam pers track with a change in the %OA setpoint? The dam pers
utilized on the unit are not linear with respect to airflow and openness, and as
such, the proportion of outside air dam per m ovem ent will not be exactly
equal to the %OA setpoint. However, at 20% OA the dam pers should be
approxim ately ½" open.
Ye s . Continue.
No . Check the dam per m otor and linkage connections. When 24VAC is
powering the dam per actuator and the control signal is 0VDC, the outside
air dam per should be close to a "rattle tight" position and the return air
dam per should be open. If the 24VAC power is rem oved, the actuator will
draw the outside air dam per tightly closed and the return air dam per
tightly open. When 24VAC is powering the dam per actuator and the
control signal is 10VDC, the outside air dam per should be fully open and
the return air dam per should be closed.
5. Is there approxim ately 24VAC at the COM and EXC term inals on the airflow
station pressure transducer?
Ye s . Continue.
No . Is there 120VAC on the prim ary side of the low voltage transform er
and 24VAC volt at the transform er secondary?
Yes. There is an open in the wiring between the transform er and the
transducer. Locate the wiring problem and rectify.
No. If there is 120VAC on the prim ary and 0VAC on the secondary,
replace the transform er. If there is 0VAC on the prim ary, there is an
open in the wiring supplying power to the transform er. Locate the
wiring problem and rectify.
6. Rem ove both of the plastic tubes from the airflow station pressure transducer
and gently blow into the HIGH side port. Caution: The transducer is extrem ely
sensitive. Blowing too hard into the sensing tube m ay dam age the
transducer. Is there approxim ately 5VDC across the COM and OUT term inals
of the pressure transducer?
Ye s . Continue.
No . The pressure transducer is defective. Replace it.
7. Rem ove both of the plastic tubes from the airflow station pressure transducer
and gently blow into the HIGH side port. Caution: The transducer is extrem ely
sensitive. Blowing too hard into the sensing tube m ay dam age the
transducer. Is there approxim ately 5VDC across the controller input term inals
that are connected to the transducer?
Ye s . There is a problem with the controller. Replace it.
No . There is an open in the wiring between these pressure transducer and
the AdaptAire controller term inals. Locate and rectify.
SOLUTION:If less outside air is desired
1. Is heat required?
MUA-SVP01A-EN • Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units
Ye s . The AdaptAire control system m ust be in the Heating m ode. In this
m ode the sm allest allowable am ount of outside air is 20%. Verify the
system is in the Heating m ode and the MIN VENT SP is set for 20%. See
Heating/Cooling Mode and Minim um Ventilation Sections of this m anual.
No . Continue.
2. Is cooling or ventilation required?
Ye s . The AdaptAire control system m ust be in the Ventilation/Cooling
m ode. In this m ode the sm allest allowable am ount of outside air is 0%.
Verify the system is in the Cooling m ode and the MIN VENT SP is set for
the desired percent of outside air. See Heating/Ventilating/Cooling Mode
and Minim um Ventilation Sections of this m anual.
No . Contact factory.
Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units • MUA-SVP01A-EN
Menu Selection
Menu Selection Tree for BACview
This section will assist the user in navigating the m enu functions of the control
program . For convenience Hotkeys are provided to allow the user to jum p
directly to a specific m enu heading. Sim ply press and hold the FN key. While
holding the FN key, press the num ber key of the desired m enu, and it will appear.
The num ber key associated with the m enu heading is shown below. Links to
other m enu headings are also available by pressing one of the 4 keys located
directly below the screen.
Figure 4. Menu selection tree for BACview
Au t o /Off/Ma n
Da m p e r Mo d e
MA Tem p Ctrl
Bldg Pressure Ctrl
Manual Ctrl
Ho m e
Se t p o in t s
MUA-SVP01A-EN • Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units
Menu Selection
S t a t u s
Ala rm
Htg Occupied
Htg Setback
Htg Min DA
Htg Max DA
Clg Occupied
Clg Setback
Clg Min DA
Clg Max DA
Man Vent
range 55-90
range 40-80
range 40-130
range 55-130
range 61-96
range 75-130
range 40-130
range 55-130
range 0-100
range 30-80
range -0.05-+0.05
range 0-100
range 40-80
range 35-80
Mixed Air
Bldg Prs
Min Vent
Economizer Temp °F
Freeze Stat
Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units • MUA-SVP01A-EN
Menu Selection
Note: The Status Menu always displays the current status of the fan, burner and
Room Temp
OA Temp
DA Temp
MA Temp
Outside Air
Bldg Pres
Fan Cycles
Fan Hours
Bnr Cycles
Bnr Hours
Clg Cycles
Clg Hours
Safety Ckt
ActEQ Temp
MaxEQ Temp
User In
User Out
Alarm History (64 Most Recent)
Active Critical Alarm s
Active Non-Critical Alarm s
Alarm s Return-To-Norm al
Ala rm
Bu rn e r Re s e t
Fa n Co u n t
Co o lin g Re s e t
Ca lib ra t e
MUA-SVP01A-EN • Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units
Menu Selection
Ho m e
Sch e d u le s
Clo ck Se t
He lp
Da ily
Schedule1 (typical 1 through 4)
Use — yes/no
Start Tim e — hr:m in
Stop Tim e— hr:m in
Hom e
Ho lid ay
Holiday1 (typical 1 through 12)
Use yes/no
Start Tim e hr:m in
Stop Tim e hr:m in
Month (1-12)
Hom e
Ove rrid e
Override1 (typical 1 through 2)
Use yes/no
Start Tim e hr:m in
Stop Tim e hr:m in
Month (1-12)
Day (1-31)
Hom e
P ID Se le c t — Direct Acting/Reverse Acting
Hig h In p u t Va lu e
Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units • MUA-SVP01A-EN
Menu Selection
Low Ou t p u t Va lu e
Us e r Co n t ro l Se t p o in t
Ma xim u m Us e r Se t p o in t
Min im u m Us e r Se t p o in t
Previo u s
Ho m e
Se t p o in t s
He lp
Tim e hh:m m :ss
Da t e dd-m m -yy
Previo u s
Enable No/Yes
Sou Hem No/Yes
06Beg Apr /02
06End Oct /29
07Beg Apr /01
07End Oct /28
08Beg Apr /06
08End Oct /26
09Beg Apr /05
09En d Oct /25
Fa n Se q u e n c e
Ro o m Se n s o r
He a t in g Se q u e n c e
Co o lin g Se q u e n c e
Ca lib ra t e Se q u e n c e
Sch e d u le Se q u e n c e
Previo u s
Ho m e
MUA-SVP01A-EN • Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units
Therm ostat Output Curve
10 K Ohm s Therm istor Output Curve
Figure 5. Uses FG.figure#
Typical 10,000 Ohm Thermistor Output Curve
-22 -4
95 104 113 122 131 140 149
Temperature in Degrees F
Figure 6. Uses FG.figure#
Typical 10,000 Ohm Thermistor Output Curve
Temperature in Degrees F
MUA-SVP01A-EN • Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units
I/ O Zone 583 Controller Specifications
BACnet (native), Modbus RTU, or N2 bus at up to 76.8K baud or 156K baud over
ARCnet. LonWorks using plug-in com m unications board.
MDT: m odulating discharge tem perature control with m anually adjusted
potentiom eter at rem ote panel.
MRT: m odulating room tem perature control with m anually adjusted
potentiom eter at rem ote panel.
MRT-Pro : m odulating room tem perature control with intelligent room
therm ostat.
MRT-Exp e rt : m odulating room tem perature control with intelligent room sensor
and BACview LCD control panel.
1M bytes of flash m em ory and 512K
bytes of non-volatile battery-backed
Battery-backed to keep tim e in event of power failure.
0°F to 130°F, 10% to 95% RH non-condensing
8 Universal Inputs
Inputs 1 & 2
Dry, therm istor, 0-5VDC
Inputs 3 - 6
oDry, therm istor
Inputs 7 & 8
1k -10k pot
5 Digital Outputs
Relay contacts rated at 1A Resistive @ 24VAC
MUA-SVP01A-EN • Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units
I/ O Zone 583 Controller Specifications
LED indication
3 Analog Outputs
0 - 10 VDC
AO1 Burner firing rate (to signal conditioner) 0 - 10 VDC
AO2 RA or Mixing Dam per Control/ User Configured 0 - 10VDC
AO3 Unassigned
DO1 Unit Enable
DO2 Burner Enable
DO3 Cooling Enable
DO4 Alarm
DO5 Pilot to Main Flam e Sensor Changeover Switch
IN1 Pressure Transducer for Building Pressure Control or User Configured
IN2 Pressure Transducer for Flow Station
IN3 Multiplexed
100% Outside Air/100% Output
Flam e Failure Alarm
Safety Circuit Status
Manual/Mixed Air Dm pr Control
IN4 Multiplexed
Auxiliary Unit Enable
Clogged Filter
Fan Status
Burner Status
IN5 Outside Air sensor
IN6 Discharge Air sensor
IN7 Unit Enable/Rem ote Setpoint
IN8 Dam per Control
RNET MRT-Pro or Room Air sensor
Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units • MUA-SVP01A-EN
Typical Wiring Schem atic
Figure 9. Non-recirculating w ith evap DFOA and DFIA m odel diagram
Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units • MUA-SVP01A-EN
Typical Wiring Schem atic
Figure 10. Recirculating DFOA and DFIA m odel diagram s
MUA-SVP01A-EN • Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units
Typical Wiring Schem atic
Figure 11. Recirculating DFOA and DFIA m odel diagram
Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units • MUA-SVP01A-EN
Typical Wiring Schem atic
MUA-SVP01A-EN • Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units
Literature Order Num ber
January 2007
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A business of Am erican Standard Com panies
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